Subdivision & Engineering Specifications

The Engineering Specifications web page provides documents setting out Council's requirements for engineering design and the construction of subdivision and other development works.

These specifications have been prepared to ensure the quality of new public assets, the compatibility of private works with Council's infrastructure, and the protection of the environment from the impacts of development.


Design Guidelines - Subdivision & Developments

Design Guidelines for Subdivision & Developments(PDF, 384KB)

Design Guidelines - Appendices(PDF, 927KB)



Works Specifications - Subdivision & Developments

Work Specification - Subdivision and Development(PDF, 554KB)



Guidelines – Flood Modelling and Stormwater Design

Guidelines – Flood Modelling and Stormwater Design(PDF, 861KB)



Standard Drawings

Complete Set of Standard Drawings (SD.1 to SD.54)(PDF, 11MB)  



Individual Standard Drawings

SD.1 - Sediment Control Devices(PDF, 319KB)

SD.2 - Concrete Bulkheads(PDF, 56KB)

SD.3 - Minor Drainage - Bandage Joint & Direct Connections(PDF, 158KB)

SD.4 - Subsoil Drains(PDF, 174KB)

SD.5 - Grated Kerb Inlet Pits(PDF, 209KB)

SD.5A - Butterfly Grate Structural Detail(PDF, 123KB)

SD.5B - Enlarged Chambered Pits (for pit depths exceeding 525mm DIA)(PDF, 281KB)

SD.6 - Surcharge Pits & Step Irons(PDF, 198KB)

SD.7 - Junction Pits(PDF, 80KB)

SD.8 - Concrete Headwalls for Single Pipe Culverts(PDF, 247KB)

SD.9 - Concrete Headwalls for Double Pipe Culverts(PDF, 256KB)

SD.10 - Rock Mattress Outlet Protection for Pipe Culverts(PDF, 178KB)

SD.11 - Trash & Safety Barrier for Open Culverts(PDF, 195KB)

SD.12.1 - Litter Skip Gross Pollutant Trap(PDF, 121KB)

SD.12.2 - Litter Skip Gross Pollutant Trap(PDF, 69KB)

SD.13 - Roofwater Outlet Connection(PDF, 168KB)s

SD.14 - Kerb & Gutters(PDF, 129KB)

SD.14A - Bowe Kerb (Elsholz) Median & Kerbside(PDF, 155KB)

SD.15 - Gutter & Footpath Crossing(PDF, 247KB)

SD.16 - Footpath Crossing Grades & Suggested Max Internal Driveway Grades - Single Residential Lots(PDF, 69KB)

SD.17 - Rural Gutter Crossing(PDF, 38KB)

SD.17A - Rural Vehicular Crossings(PDF, 75KB)

SD.18 - Footpath Paving and Jointing Details(PDF, 171KB)

SD.19 - Cycleway Paving and Jointing Details(PDF, 192KB)

SD.19A - Shared Path Pavement Marking and Signage Details(PDF, 197KB)

SD.20 - Cycleway Access Ramp and Holding Rail(PDF, 39KB)

SD.21 - Cycleway Bollard and U-Rail(PDF, 294KB)

SD.21A - Laneway Barrier(PDF, 79KB)

SD.22 - Pathway Steps(PDF, 56KB)

SD.23 - Detail of Access Gate to Public Pathways(PDF, 56KB)

SD.24 - 3400 Access Gate to Public Driveways(PDF, 70KB)

SD.25 - Pedestrian Refuge - Mid Block(PDF, 204KB)

SD.25A - Pedestrian Refuge - Mid Block Four Lane(PDF, 200KB)

SD.26 - Pedestrian Refuge- At Intersection(PDF, 206KB)

SD.27 - Wombat Crossing Plan and Details(PDF, 341KB)

SD.27A - Wombat Crossing with Central Island - Plan and Details(PDF, 382KB)

SD.28 - Holding Rail(PDF, 49KB)

SD.29 - Kerb Blister Details(PDF, 155KB)

SD.30 - Pedestrian Ramps(PDF, 45KB)

SD.31 - Trafficable Central Island for Roundabouts(PDF, 40KB)

SD.32 - Median Splitter Island and Central Island for Roundabouts (with Annulus)(PDF, 92KB)

SD.33 - Roundabout Splitter Island Details (superseded with SD.34)

SD.34 - Roundabout Splitter Island & Pavement Details(PDF, 240KB)

SD.35 - Typical Signing & Line-marking Scheme for a Local Street Roundabout(PDF, 133KB)

SD.36 - Signposting Details(PDF, 49KB)

SD.37 - Street Name Signs(PDF, 197KB)

SD.38 - Guard Fences(PDF, 162KB)

SD.39 - Rock Retaining Wall(PDF, 74KB)

SD.40 - Restoration of Trenches for Service Pipes(PDF, 53KB)

SD.41 - Fire Trails(PDF, 51KB)

SD.42 - Rural Roads(PDF, 41KB)

SD.43 - Typical Road Reserve Landscape Treatment between Classified Roads & Local Roads(PDF, 283KB)

SD.44 - Rain Garden(PDF, 193KB)

SD.45 - Timber Post and Rail Fence(PDF, 53KB)

SD.46 - Typical Road Swale Details(PDF, 108KB)

SD.46A Grassed Roadside Swale Details(PDF, 175KB)

SD.47 -Typical 4.0m Road Swale Pit(PDF, 89KB)

SD.48 - Typical Road Swale Driveway Details(PDF, 127KB)

SD.49 - Swale Kerb Detail(PDF, 42KB)

SD.50 - Typical Street Tree Setout & Details(PDF, 179KB)

SD.51 - Pavement Connection Detail(PDF, 137KB)

SD.52 - Open Space Sportsfield Fencing(PDF, 1MB)

SD.53 - Open Space Half Basketball Court(PDF, 1MB)

SD.54 - Open Space Cricket Practice Nets(PDF, 1MB)