Is your construction project exempt from the Development Application (DA) process or does it require a Council DA?
How and where to lodge a Development Application (DA) online. Explore the determination process and find out who to talk to for more information.
An archive of Development Applications both Received and Determined (updated weekly).
Council's Online Services & Enquiry System allows you to track Development Applications and other applications including planning proposals and building certificates.
Need advice about Council regulations that might affect your building or development project? Submit a Building and Development Enquiry.
Hills Certifiers - Professionally Qualified & Accredited Building Surveyors.
Information on Development Application Assessment and the Development Application tracking system.
Use this form to make a submission on a Development Application.
Information on how to 'Have your Say' on a Proposed Development Application.
This request will only be granted in exceptional or unforeseen circumstances.
Development Application Fact Sheets.
Business Papers and Minutes for DAU meetings.
A driveway application is required for each footpath/gutter crossing or point of vehicular access to a property.
Pool registration, compliance certificate, installation and fencing requirements.
Information subdividing land and subdivision specifications.
Information on heritage and planning information.
Use effective waste strategies to reduce landfill.