Shared bins - Apartments & Townhouses
Your Waste Service
Residents living in units, townhouses or villas have shared or individual bin services depending on the requirements of each development.
If you need extra bins or extra collections please arrange this through the Owners Corporation.
For units, townhouses or villas with a bin bay storage area, the contractor may collect bins from the storage area and return the emptied bins for you.
This service does not apply where prior arrangements exist for caretakers to place the bins at the kerbside.
Council provides a garden organics service to many properties throughout the Shire. If garden organics bins are not provided, requests may be made via the Owners Corporation.
Waste Disposal Information
Do you have bulky waste to dispose of? Please follow the links below for more information about how to correctly dispose of these items.
Bulky Waste Kerbside Clean-Up Collection
Each unit complex has two kerbside clean-up collections per calendar year.
The clean-up collections are for the entire complex, and you must book through the strata Manager or Executive Committee.
A confirmation letter, with details of the household kerbside clean-up collection will be sent to each unit, townhouse or villa.
For details about this service, visit our Kerbside Clean-Up Collection page.
Other Options
If you have other items to recycle or dispose of, please refer to Council’s Recycling Directory.
Recycling Near You is another useful directory.
The nearest transfer station is the REMONDIS Resource Recovery Centre located at 29 Powers Road, Seven Hills. Please note that fees may apply to drop off items at this facility. For more information including fees and charges as well as opening times, visit the REMONDIS website or call 13 73 73
What can I place into each of my bins?
To see what materials you can place into your domestic bins, click here.
Keep up to date about all resource recovery programs and join the mailing list by completing this form: Resource Recovery Mailing List
Bin Bay Signage and Stickers
All bin storage areas within units, townhouses or villas should have appropriate signage showing acceptable and non-acceptable items for each bin.
The Resource Recovery Team have recently developed new signs for bin bay storage areas and stickers.
Available signs relate to the following services:
- Garbage
- Recycle
- Garden and
- Clean Up Collection
Available stickers include:
- Garbage
- Recycle and
- Garden
English MUD signs(PDF, 7MB)
English Bulky Cardboard Sign(PDF, 1MB)
English MUD stickers(PDF, 2MB)
English RID MUD Sign(PDF, 102KB)

All signs (except Clean Up Collection) and stickers are also available in Traditional Chinese.
Chinese MUD Signs(PDF, 9MB)
Chinese MUD Stickers(PDF, 3MB)
Requests for new signs and stickers can also be made through the Strata or Body Corporate.
Please contact the Resource Recovery Project Officer on 02 9762 1112 for further information.