Justice of the Peace

Justice of the Peace (JP) services are available at specific times during the business week at Castle Hill Library, Vinegar Hill Memorial Library and the main Customer Service and Administration Centre, Norwest.

This is a free service operated by volunteers and no bookings are necessary during the specified times below, however if you have a large number of documents, or if you are pressed for time, an alternative JP can be found on the JP Public Register and they can arrange a mutually convenient time and location.

Please bring your own pen.

Standard Justice of the Peace Schedule 

A Justice of the Peace is available at the following Council locations:



The Hills Shire Council

3 Columbia Court Norwest NSW 2153



Please Note - No Copying Service

(Please bring all copies of documents to be certified (if applicable) as Council does not have a copying service available at our main customer service centre in Norwest).



Monday: 11am - 2pm

Wednesday: 11am - 2pm

Friday: 11am - 2pm 


To avoid delays we recommend you book in a time to see a JP if you have more than:

  • 5 Statutory Declarations, and/or
  • 10 Signatures

Otherwise, we may ask you to wait while the JP serves other customers.

To book, call Customer Service on 02 9843 0555.



Castle Hill Library

Cnr Castle & Pennant Streets
Castle Hill NSW 2154


Copying Service Available, fees apply


Tuesday: 10am - 1 pm

Wednesday: 5pm - 7pm

Thursday: 10am - 1pm


Vinegar Hill Memorial Library

29 Main Street, Rouse Hill Town Centre
Rouse Hill NSW 2155


Copying Service Available, fees apply


Thursday: 5pm - 7pm


Volunteer as a Justice of the Peace

Council is always seeking certified Justice of the Peace individuals to assist with up to 3 hours per week at Council or a local library.

If you have a current JP registration and are interested in volunteering for this role, please complete an application via the button below.

Volunteer as a JP