Safety Programs for Business
In the event of an emergency Police may need to contact the owner, manager or a nominated person. This may be due to illegal entry, fire or property damage at a business, shop or factory premises. To assist this procedure, records are maintained at your local Police Station. These records are strictly confidential.
BizKeys is a confidential application that allows authorised users (Police) to access information including:
- premises location
- key contact details
- key holder
- security and hazardous material information
Stickers are available at Castle Hill Police Station and can be be placed on the business. The stickers are both a deterrent and also to alert Police that the business is registered with them.
Castle Hill Police are reviewing and updating the current details of businesses. It would be appreciated if you would complete the form below and return it to the Castle Hill Police Station, at your earliest convenience. The form can be mailed, faxed or delivered in person.
Biz Keys Registration Form(PDF, 309KB)
CCTV Registration
The NSW Police Force CCTV Register ('the Register') is a database which has been established to record the location of CCTV installations across NSW.
Information stored in the Register will be used for operational policing purposes. This information will not be provided to a third party and is secure from unauthorised access.
Your consent is to supply this information for inclusion in the CCTV Register. It DOES NOT mean that you consent to supply imagery captured by, or stored on, your CCTV system, such as video footage or still images. There is no obligation for you to provide information. Registration is voluntary.
Every effort will be made to ensure that information stored in the Register is accurate. Please notify Castle Hill Police if any of the information you have provided changes.
Castle Hill Police may contact you from time to time to verify the information you have provided. If you wish to have your details removed from the Register, please advise Castle Hill Police in writing.
For more information or to register visit