Council in partnership with its Contractors aims to provide a range of waste education opportunities for the whole community.
Our ‘Save Big: Guide to your Waste Service’ contains an overview of Council's waste and resource recovery services and is a great resource for new residents and students - Save Big - Guide to your Waste Service(PDF, 10MB)
Free Waste Workshops are held during the year. For more details visit our Events Page.
Learn Something New - Free Workshops (November - December 2023)(PDF, 740KB)
Explore Council's free waste workshops which encourage waste avoidance, reuse and recycling.
Helpful Tips and Information on how you can contribute to minimising our carbon footprint.
A collection of waste animations on resource recovery, your bin service and how to use it.
Learn how to compost & how to set up a worm farm at a Council run workshop.
Join millions of people and the Resource Recovery Team to reduce plastic waste!