Drop off a range of household items for recycling including electronics, soft and hard plastics, polystyrene and textiles.
More information - Acceptable Items - Event Access Map
Information on making a submission can be found here.
If you have any further questions regarding major plans currently on exhibition e-mail council-majorplans@thehills.nsw.gov.au or phone Council's Duty Town Planner on +61 2 9843 0469.
Stay up to date with recent Development Applications.
Expired exhibited major plans archived for 2020.
Expired exhibited major plans archive for 2019.
Expired exhibited major plans archive for 2018.
Expired exhibited major plans archive for 2017.
Expired exhibited major plans archive for 2016.
Expired exhibited major plans archive for 2015.
Expired exhibited major plans archive for 2014.
Expired exhibited major plans archive for 2013.