About the Box Hill Release Area

Disclaimer – the information provided on this page is to be used as a general guide to the future development of Box Hill – all information and mapping is indicative of the development across the area and the priority and time frames around infrastructure provision.

Box Hill Storymap.png The Box Hill Story

A summary of the detailed Box Hill information below is now available in an interactive mapping format.

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Click to Explore the Box Hill Storymap Site

Latest Information 

Updated 6 November 2024

Update on Wastewater Servicing from Sydney Water

An unexpected operational issue with an existing wastewater rising main at Windsor Road in Vineyard is preventing new developments in the area from connecting to the Sydney Water wastewater network. This is affecting development in Box Hill and the Box Hill Industrial areas.

For more details please read the information from Sydney Water provided below:

Sydney Water Update Wastewater Servicing(PDF, 172KB)

Anthony Skarratt Reserve (Stage 1)

Construction has commenced on the biggest community facility and sporting reserve to be built in The Hills Shire for more than 20 years at Anthony Skarratt Reserve, Box Hill.

Stage 1 work includes:

  • A new Community Centre
  • A satellite library
  • A youth playground and plaza
  • A playgroup space with outdoor play area
  • Carparking for 187 spaces
  • Landscaping work
  • Installation of fencing and boundary division wall
  • A roundabout at Nelson Road, Box Road and the access driveway into the facility
  • Localised pavement widening on Nelson Road incorporating a new bus bay fronting the reserve
  • Adjustments to existing service utilities including Telstra, NBN, Sydney Water and electrical services
  • Upgraded stormwater infrastructure
  • Construction traffic management and controls

Once all stages of construction have been completed, Anthony Skarratt Reserve will also include four football fields, two baseball fields, six multi-purpose courts, cricket practice nets, and a playground. Two synthetic cricket pitches, an outdoor gym and a baseball batting practice tunnel were also added to the Master Plan following community consultation.

Read 'Construction Begins on Leading New Sport Facility in Box Hill' article for more information.

To keep updated visit the project construction page.


The Waterlane Reserve Sports Complex

The Water Lane Reserve Sports Complex is currently in the detailed design and utility approval stage. Council is working with service providers to seek their respective approvals.

The next step of this project is to go out to tender for the construction of this facility.

After completion, the Water Lane Reserve is expected to offer amenities for AFL as the selected winter sport and athletics as the chosen summer sport. Additionally, it will cater to informal activities for the benefit of the general community.

The Hills Shire Council has received grant funding of $9.79 million from the NSW Government’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund to contribute to the development of the Reserve.

The Water Lane Reserve Render.png

The site will include:

  • Two AFL fields.
  • Natural turf athletics field and track facilities
  • Amenities buildings.
  • Car parks consisting of an internal carpark with 200 spaces, access via The Water Lane and additional street parking on Timbercrest Street.
  • A local playground, basketball key and picnic facilities.
  • Concrete pathways
  • Specialist sports field lighting

Read more about the Water Lane Reserve sports complex here.


Annangrove Road and Edwards Road Roundabout Construction

The Hills Shire Council is upgrading the intersection of Edwards and Annangrove Road, Box Hill/Rouse Hill.

Work commenced in March 2024 with an estimated completion of up to 12 months (subject to site and weather conditions). This project will improve traffic flow and driver safety at this intersection.

This construction timeframe will be affected by the relocation of multiple service utilities including potable and recycled water, wastewater, Telstra, NBN, gas and electrical services. These relocations are required before other road building activities can commence.

The roundabout work includes:

  • A non–mountable central reinforced concrete roundabout island (10-metre radius), with raised concrete median islands on all four approached that will accommodate pedestrians and cyclists
  • Pavement widening 80m to the north and 60m to the south on Annangrove Road and 90m to the west and 60m to the east on Edwards Road
  • Reconfiguration of the lane arrangements along Annangrove Road and Edwards Road on the approach to the roundabout

For more details please visit 'Council Works and Projects Under Construction'.


Terry Road Culvert Crossing

Construction has completed on road and drainage upgrade works in Terry Road, Box Hill between Hedgewood Drive and Monmouth Drive.

This upgrade to the stormwater infrastructure for this section of Terry Road was required due to frequent road closure following flooding.

Works included the construction of a reinforced concrete bridging structure (culvert) under Terry Road, raising the surface level of the road and upgrading it to urban road design standards.


Upgrade of Old Pitt Town Road, Terry Road and Fontana Road

One of the key intersections in Box Hill will feature traffic signals after The Hills Shire Council awarded a construction contract for the intersection upgrade of Old Pitt Town Road, Terry Road and Fontana Road.

Read more here.


Boundary Road Upgrade

Council will soon begin the detailed design phase of a $75.5 million transformation of Boundary Road which is located on the border of The Hills Shire and Hawkesbury local government areas.

The project will see the rural thoroughfare upgraded to a major collector road that will be converted to four lanes between Windsor and Old Pitt Town Roads with a roundabout or traffic signals to be constructed at four key intersections.

Read more about the upgrade here.


Design Consultation for Mason Road, Box Hill

Consultation Plan - Mason Road Reserve, Box Hill

The Hills Shire Council is pleased to announce the design of a new park at Mason Road Reserve, located at 22Z Mason Road, Box Hill.

As part of the community consultation process, Council invited the local community to provide feedback on the park design by 6 March, 2023. Council has reviewed all feedback received during the community consultation period -  For more information visit the Mason Road Reserve Park Design page.


Rainforest Street Reserve, Box Hill

Adopted Landscape Masterplan - Rainforest Street Reserve.jpg

Results of the Public Exhibition Period and Adoption of the Rainforest Street Reserve Landscape Master Plan

After completion of the public exhibition process for the Rainforest Street Reserve Landscape Master Plan Council considered the submissions at it's meeting on 25 July 2023.

Requests from residents included adding water play, support for the proposed mountain bike tracks, requests for basketball, shade to the playground, and more inclusive play equipment.

Rainforest Street Reserve Play Equipment.jpg

Following the adoption of the Rainforest Street Reserve master plan, Council will look to fund the detailed design process in future budgets.

More information and the adopted landscape masterplan are available here.



Review of Contributions Plan No. 15 – Box Hill Precinct (Amendment No. 6)

On 13 August 2024, Council considered and resolved to adopt amendments to Contributions Plan No. 15 – Box Hill Precinct (Amendment No. 6), with the amendments coming into force on 19 August 2024.

The version of the Plan adopted by Council includes $595 million worth of works and $486 million worth of land acquisition. It incorporates the changes required by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, following the completion of IPART’s review of the Plan.

Due to escalating costs, the State Government’s historical capping of contributions and the recommendations of IPART and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, there is a $182 million funding gap within the Plan.

As a result, Council is unable to fully fund the Works Schedule identified in the Plan.

The gap will need to be funded through other sources (either general rates revenue or funding grants) or alternatively, avoided by delaying the provision of certain infrastructure under the Plan until such time as funding becomes available.

Given the outcomes imposed by IPART and the Minister, Council will continue investigating how to best proceed with recouping the funding gap and the delivery of the outstanding infrastructure.

View the Council Report (13 August 2024) here.


Further information about infrastructure funding within the Box Hill Precinct is provided on this page below.

Mt Carmel Housing Estate - Vehicle and Pedestrian Links

Council is currently planning for improved linkages across the Killarney Chain of Ponds (the drainage corridor that runs between Longerenong Avenue and Mt Carmel Drive).

Completion of the remaining section of Hereford Street over the drainage reserve (blue arrow in the figure below) will be delivered by private developers as part of subdivision approvals DA 2312/2018/ZB, 873/2019/ZB and 936/2021/ZB.

This will connect new housing on the western side of the drainage corridor through to Mt Carmel Drive, via Brahman Road.

While it is anticipated that this work will occur in the near future, as these are being delivered by private developers, Council is unable to provide a definitive date as to when the link will be completed.

Council has identified two additional pedestrian bridges (red arrows in the figure below) to enhance east-west accessibility and connect key locations for the benefit of the Box Hill community.

The southern bridge will connect Longerenong Avenue (near Felling Street) to Mt Carmel Drive (near Copenhagen Street Reserve) and the northern bridge will connect Mt Carmel Drive (near Stockhorse Avenue) to Sunnyhill Parkway Sports Complex, west of Terry Road.

These pedestrian bridges are included within Contributions Plan No.15.


About Box Hill

Box Hill (MAP) is a release area that was planned under the NSW Government's North West Priority Growth Area Program along with other nearby release areas, including North Kellyville.

The area is bound by Boundary Road to the west, Annangrove Road to the east, Old Pitt Town Road to the north and Windsor Road to the south.

Typically when a rural site has been identified for possible urban development, Council (or the Department of Planning and Environment in the case of North Kellyville and Box Hill) prepares an Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) and Development Control Plan (DCP). Please visit the Department of Planning and Environment Website for copies of these documents.

These documents identify where different land uses and facilities (such as Open Space, Community Facilities, Waterways, and Roads and Transport Facilities) will be located.

When the Box Hill Precinct was rezoned by the State Government in 2013 the yield projection which informed the infrastructure planning was 9,600 dwellings which equated to around 28,000 additional people.

In 2017 the State Government revised the yield projection (and the planning framework) to 13,276 dwellings (around 42,483 people).

As part of the most recent review of Contributions Plan No. 15, Council further updated the yield projection, based on current development activity, to 16,030 dwellings (around 48,956 people).

This is 75% more than what was established by the State Government when the precinct was rezoned and infrastructure list identified.


Note: ‘Gables’ (formerly known as ‘Box Hill North’) is a separate Precinct located to the north of Box Hill. This area is a ‘landowner nominated site’ and is mainly under the control of a single developer. All required infrastructure for this area such as open spaces, traffic and transport infrastructure and drainage/water management infrastructure is being provided by the developer under a Voluntary Planning Agreement. The rollout of infrastructure generally occurs more efficiently in release areas which are controlled by a single developer, compared to other areas which are heavily affected by fragmented land ownership. As the developer has control over most of the land and is delivering the required infrastructure as part of their construction process, they can better align infrastructure delivery and redevelopment.

Provision of Community Assets and Rates of Development

The roll out of services in a release area is unavoidably a long-term proposition due to how infrastructure is funded through the gradual collection of contributions over time or the delivery of works by individual developers. Box Hill is going through this process of long-term transformation which is expected to occur over a period of approximately 25 years.

The expected rate of development and provision of facilities, as anticipated by the NSW Government at the time of rezoning the precinct is outlined in the below table and graph.

Development Table.jpg




In contrast, as of February 2024, approvals have been issued for approximately 70% of the total residential yield within the Precinct (11,336 residential lots/dwellings approved out of a total of 16,030 anticipated dwellings).  Of these, around 6,238 dwellings have been completed.

The graph below shows the anticipated development path re-projected by Council based on actual rates and density of development.

Graph showing population density increase over time

The blue line shows the projection as at 2020 and the orange line shows the projection as at 2022. In both instances, it is apparent that the actual density of development is greater than previously expected and the rate of development has occurred much more quickly than originally anticipated at the time of the Government’s rezoning. 


Zoning Map

Sydney Regional Growth Centres (North West Growth Centre - State Environmental Planning Policy - Box Hill Zoning Map(PDF, 557KB)


Funding of Infrastructure

In any new release area, the NSW Government is responsible for providing water, sewer, power, major road links and public schools. Developers contribute to these costs through charges levied by the relevant State Government agencies.

Under the guidance of the NSW Government, Council has prepared a Contributions Plan, which outlines the infrastructure the new community needs, including parks, drainage, playing fields and certain main roads which serve the broader precinct.

Developers are required to pay a ‘contribution’ to Council in order to fund this infrastructure. The majority of new local roads within Box Hill will be constructed by individual developers, as their development occurs.

To view the Contributions Plan for Box Hill, click here.

Box Hill’s community infrastructure is estimated to cost around $1.07 billion (FY22/23) which is jointly funded by developers and the NSW Government (it is noted that this reflects the cost estimates within the current adopted version of Contributions Plan No. 15.

Contributions from developers are collected by Council as each development occurs. As contributions are collected in small amounts from individual developers, it can take a substantial amount of time before Council has received sufficient funds to acquire (by way of purchase) the necessary land from landowners within the Precinct and build a park or upgrade a road. 

The purchase of land and construction of new facilities is a long-term process and needs to occur in line with the rate, location and distribution of development. Facilities can only be delivered once adequate funds have been received through developer contributions, all necessary land had been acquired, designs have been completed and appropriate approvals are in place.

Council is currently working to acquire more land for local facilities and identify opportunities to provide more open spaces, as well as prioritising the rollout of upgrades to the road network. These facilities will be added to Council’s works program as more development occurs and as additional contributions are paid by developers.

Status of Land Acquisition

Council has been heavily focussed on purchasing the land required for parks, roads and drainage infrastructure. This is an important first step as Council needs to own the land in order to finalise designs and seek regulatory approvals to commence any work.

Purchasing all the land needed to accommodate infrastructure within a new release area can be challenging, particularly when it involves many individual landowners who may or may not be ready to sell. As in all precincts, different landowners have different time horizons and different expectations and sometimes it takes time for the parties to agree.

As of August 2024, Council has spent around $222 million on purchasing over 53% of the land areas required for parks, roads and drainage infrastructure within the Precinct. This has been achieved by successfully reaching negotiated agreements with respect to the market value and purchase of land from over 54 individual landowners and developers.

As a result of being able to progress land dealings across much of the precinct, Council has been successful in opening new parks in Box Hill including Ceres Way Reserve, Equinox Drive Reserve and Hannaford Avenue Reserve. Council has also started construction of the Brindle Parkway Sports Fields in Box Hill. The nearby Gables development also has a significant number of community parks that have been completed.

The map below illustrates the land that Council has successfully acquired by way of purchase as of August 2024 (in blue). The areas of the land coloured orange are yet to be acquired.

Council has acquired land throughout the precinct for the purpose of Public Roads through dedication from developers who can be required as part of their development consent to construct items like roads, which are then ‘given’ (dedicated) to Council to own and manage.

This method of becoming the owner of the land is useful for allowing developers to proceed with works at a time of their choosing but does not traditionally facilitate the delivery of parks and community spaces.

Recently, Council has been receiving a high number of enquiries from the community specifically with respect to land acquisition within the “Hills of Carmel” development area, which is outlined in red for reference.

CP15 - Land Acquisition Map 2024

Box Hill Precinct CP15 Land Acquisition Status Map(PDF, 825KB)


At its Ordinary Meeting on 7 February 2022, Council received a Mayoral Minute (2/2023) on the status of land acquisition in Box Hill, including within the Hills of Carmel development area.

Mayoral Minute No 2 - 7 February 2023 - Status of Land Acquisition in Box Hill(PDF, 106KB)

Within the “Hills of Carmel” development area there is around 25 ha of land identified for open space and drainage. To date, Council has been unable to reach an agreed outcome with the developer for the acquisition of any of this open space or drainage land.

Council’s most recent offer to purchase land was rejected by the Developer, without any counter-offer being made. Council will continue to engage with this developer but it may ultimately be necessary to resolve this through a compulsory acquisition process.

Delays to the acquisition of land in this part of the Precinct have meant that it is difficult for Council to progress with the delivery of the identified parks and drainage works in line with the roll-out of actual development in the precinct which is occurring much more quickly than was originally forecast.

In comparison, with respect land outside of the “Hills of Carmel” development area in the Box Hill Precinct, Council has successfully acquired nearly 70% of the land identified for future local infrastructure (shown in blue in the above map). This equates to 54.6 ha out of a total area of 80 ha identified, all of which has been purchased through successful negotiations between Council and the respective landowners and developers.

Given Council now has ownership of much of this land, this will enable projects such as parks, playing fields and drainage works to progress more quickly in these areas of the Precinct. 


Box Hill and Box Hill Industrial Precincts Development Control Plan (DCP)

The associated Box Hill and Box Hill Industrial Development Control Plan (DCP) has also been adopted and came into force on 23 April 2013.

Copies of the Amending SEPP and Box Hill DCP are available at planning.nsw.gov.au.


Areas of Interest

The planning for the Box Hill Growth Centre Precinct promotes the development of a vibrant residential and employment area that responds to the Precincts’ natural environment. A balanced mix and distribution of recreation, employment and residential uses encourage public transport use, walking and cycling.

Retail and commercial areas complement and support surrounding centres. The centrally located Box Hill Town Centre provides the retail, commercial and community services that form a community hub. Three villages and two neighbourhood centres service all local residential and employment areas. A business park, an enterprise corridor and a light industrial area provide a mix of local and regional employment opportunities that meet the regional demand for jobs.

Town Centre and Villages

The Box Hill Town Centre is located east of the intersection of Terry Road and Mason Road with its central location making it readily accessible to future residents. The centre will have good public transport connections to Rouse Hill and Riverstone Stations.

About Box Hill Town Centre


The existing Mason Road will be converted into a ‘main street’ to run through the middle of the town centre. A new by-pass road that takes local traffic away from the centre will be located to the north of the town centre to connect to Terry Road.

Box Hill Town Centre will provide the retail and community focus for the Box Hill Growth Centre Precincts, featuring a mix of residential, retail, commercial, community and recreational uses. The Town Centre comprises up to 30,000m2 of shop front space which will contain one discount department store, two supermarkets, mini-majors and a range of specialty shops.

The town centre interface area on the western side of Terry Road is envisaged for offices and ancillary services such as child care centres and medical centres.

A passive recreation park for the Box Hill Town Centre, located between the Killarney Chain of Ponds and the southern steep slopes of Box Hill House, allows the retention of the view corridor towards Box Hill House while being close to the primary school and the residential areas.

Indicative Layout Plan for Box Hill Town Centre

Box Hill Town Centre Box Hill.png



About Nelson Road Village

The Nelson Road Village is located in the south-east of the Precinct at the intersection of Nelson Road and The Water Lane opposite heritage listed Marklye House.

This Village will have a strong relationship to the adjacent school and nearby playing fields, strengthening its role as a neighbourhood hub and meeting place for the local community. The Village will primarily service the south-eastern catchment area, including the employment corridor along Annangrove Road.

It is anticipated that the village centre will be approximately 5,000 to 6,000m2 in size and contain a 2,000 – 3,000m2 supermarket and 20-25 speciality stores.

Indicative Layout Plan for Nelson Road Village

Nelson Road Village Box Hill.png


About Box Hill Inn Village (Carmel Village)

Originally listed as Box Hill Inn Village in the DCP and now known as Carmel Village this centre is now open. It features 3,000m2 of supermarket space and over 20 specialty stores and takeaway options.

The centre is located in the south-west of the precinct at the intersection of Windsor Road and the proposed Mt Carmel Road and is positioned to service local residents, the business park as well as passing motorists along Windsor Road.


Indicative Layout Plan for Box Hill Inn Village (Carmel Village)

Box Hill Inn Village.png


About Mt Carmel Village

Mt Carmel Village is to be located at the intersection of the proposed Mt Carmel Road and the proposed extension of George Street. The village is positioned to facilitate community focus and complement nearby community uses.

The village comprises retail and a local park, which is directly adjacent to a medium density residential area. This village will service the northern area of the Precinct. 

Indicative Layout Plan for Mt Carmel Village

Mt Carmel Village Box Hill.png



The Precinct Plan provides for over 115 hectares of employment land providing a mix of employment opportunities, centred around the Windsor Road Business Park and the Annangrove Road Light Industrial Area. The Precinct Plan provides 6ha of land zoned for light industrial, 26.9ha of land zoned for enterprise corridor and 69.4ha of land zoned for business park.

Box Hill Local Environmental Plan Zoning Map(PDF, 557KB)

The B7 Business Park Zone provides a range of office and light industrial uses and enables other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of workers in the area.

The IN2 Light Industrial Zone provides the opportunity to develop a wide range of light industrial, warehouse and related land uses.

The B6 Enterprise Corridor Zone provides the opportunity for a wide range of employment uses ranging from business to light industrial uses.

This assessment is based on a development period of 25 years assuming Box Hill is fully developed by this time.


More Information (click to open)

Sportsgrounds, Reserves and Playgrounds

Sportsgrounds, Reserves and Playgrounds

There is strong demand for additional active sports fields for sports such as rugby league, rugby union, touch football, cricket and football (soccer).

Box Hill is to include one 'District Park' with 6 playing fields and 10 netball/multipurpose courts to accommodate sporting activities including football, cricket, baseball and netball. It is proposed that the District Park will also include public amenities, a district playground and embellishments such as carparking, pathways and planting.

In addition five further sports field sites are identified with a total of 12 playing fields planned as well a 12 court tennis facility to accommodate sporting activities including football, Australian rules, cricket, hockey, tennis and athletics. It is proposed that local parks will also include numerous facilities and embellishments such as playgrounds, carparking, pathways and planting.

Box Hill - Sportsgrounds Reserves and Playgrounds Map(PDF, 9MB)


The following sportsgrounds are scheduled for construction within the Box Hill precinct and will provide:

  • Multipurpose courts
  • Flexible fields catering for football, rugby league, rugby union, AFL, baseball, hockey and 'overflow' demand
  • Cricket ovals and
  • An athletics track

Water Lane Reserve Sports Complex

This reserve, located on Water Lane, Box Hill is in the Design phase.


The Water Lane Reserve Sports Complex is currently in the detailed design and utility approval stage. Council is working with service providers to seek their respective approvals. The next step of this project is to go out to tender for the construction of this facility.

After completion, the Water Lane Reserve is expected to offer amenities for AFL as the selected winter sport and athletics as the chosen summer sport. Additionally, it will cater to informal activities for the benefit of the general community.

The Hills Shire Council has received grant funding of $9.79 million from the NSW Government’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund to contribute to the development of the Reserve.

The site will include:

  • Two AFL fields.
  • Natural turf athletics field and track facilities
  • Amenities buildings.
  • Car parks consisting of an internal carpark with 200 spaces, access via The Water Lane and additional street parking on Timbercrest Street.
  • A local playground, basketball key and picnic facilities.
  • Concrete pathways
  • Specialist sports field lighting

Anthony Skarratt Reserve Sports Complex

The Anthony Skarratt Reserve Master Plan was adopted at a Council Meeting on 25 May 2021.

The Hills Shire Council has awarded the contract for the delivery of Stage 1 of Anthony Skarratt Reserve, Box Hill.

Stage 1 work includes:

  • A new Community Centre
  • A satellite library
  • A youth playground and plaza
  • A playgroup space with outdoor play area
  • Carparking for 187 spaces
  • Landscaping work
  • Installation of fencing and boundary division wall
  • A roundabout at Nelson Road, Box Road and the access driveway into the facility
  • Localised pavement widening on Nelson Road incorporating a new bus bay fronting the reserve
  • Adjustments to existing service utilities including Telstra, NBN, Sydney Water and electrical services
  • Upgraded stormwater infrastructure
  • Construction traffic management and controls.

For more details and to keep updated visit the project page.

Anthony Skarratt Reserve Master Plan(PDF, 4MB)

The completed sports complex is planned to feature:

  • Four football fields with two centralised cricket pitches
  • Cricket practice nets
  • Two baseball fields
  • Six multi-purpose courts
  • Playground and
  • Three car parks

The site has also been identified as being the suitable location for the new Box Hill and Nelson Community Centre. Further land acquisitions for the remainder of the site are continuing.

Read more here.

Sunny Hill Parkway Sports Complex

This reserve, located off Terry Street and Sunny Hill Parkway is still in the land acquisition phase.


This sports complex is planned to feature:

  • Playing fields for football and cricket
  • Tennis courts
  • Local playground

Brindle Parkway Reserve Sportsground 
Brindle Parkway Reserve feature.jpg

This reserve officially opened on 15 June 2024 and features: 

  • Two rectangular turf playing fields that can be reconfigured into one cricket oval in the summer.
  • Two cricket practice nets.
  • Local playground
  • Sporting amenities
  • Car park
  • Shared pathways

Visit the Brindle Parkway Reserve page or read about the official opening.

Copenhagen Road Reserve Sportsground

This reserve, located off Mount Carmel Drive, Box Hill is still in the land acquisition phase.


This reserve is planned to feature:

  • Playing fields for cricket and football
  • Local playground

Hereford Street Reserve Sportsground

This reserve, located on Woodgate Parkway, Box Hill is still in the land acquisition phase.


This reserve is planned to feature:

  • Playing fields for rugby union and cricket
  • Local playground

Reserves and Playgrounds

Local open space across the precinct provides informal play space within convenient walking distance (within 500m) from local residences.

These local parks will include playground equipment, off leash areas, gym equipment, seating, pathways, lighting and landscaping to ensure access for all age groups within the community.

Many of these areas will also include watercourses, wetlands, retention basins and other water management facilities to achieve required water quality outcomes.


Rainforest Street Reserve

Adopted Landscape Masterplan - Rainforest Street Reserve.jpg

Results of the Public Exhibition Period and Adoption of the Rainforest Street Reserve Landscape Master Plan

After completion of the public exhibition process for the Rainforest Street Reserve Landscape Master Plan Council considered the submissions at it's meeting on 25 July 2023. Requests from residents included adding water play, support for the proposed mountain bike tracks, requests for basketball, shade to the playground, and more inclusive play equipment.

More information and the adopted landscape masterplan are available here.

Mason Road Reserve

The Hills Shire Council is pleased to announce the design of a new park at Mason Road Reserve, located at 22Z Mason Road, Box Hill.

The park will provide a range of informal recreational opportunities for the local community and will feature a range of facilities consistent with a local-urban level park as outlined in Council’s Recreation Strategy including:

  • A playground with a range of play equipment catering for various age groups and abilities
  • Shade sails to the main playground area.
  • Selected areas of rubber soft fall.
  • Gathering and picnic areas.
  • Turf kick-about space.
  • Concrete pathways including cycleways with future connections beyond the site, and pedestrian pathways.
  • Extensive tree planting works.
  • Soft landscaping including a vegetated swale along the eastern park extent.

For more information visit the consultation page for Mason Road Reserve.


Ceres Way Reserve

This reserve, located on Ceres Way, Box Hill was opened in November 2019. It features: 

  • Playground
  • Kick-about play space
  • Drinking fountain
  • Shelter and seating

Read the Ceres Way Reserve Opening Media Release here.


Equinox Drive Reserve

This reserve, located on Equinox Drive, Box Hill was opened on Thursday, 16 December 2021. It features:

  • Playground
  • Kick-about play space
  • Half basketball court
  • Concrete pathways for bikes and scooters
  • Gathering and picnic areas

Read the Equinox Drive Reserve Media Release here.

Hannaford Avenue Reserve 

The construction of Hannaford Avenue Reserve, Box Hill has been completed, with the park opening on Saturday, 28 May 2022.

The work involved the construction of a playground, turf kick-about area, picnic areas with park furniture, concrete pathways and a shared pathway. 

Detailed Design of Hannaford Avenue Reserve

To view the Consultation Plan for Hannaford Avenue Reserve, click here.(PDF, 1MB)

All other parks within the Box Hill precinct are currently in the land acquisition phase: 

  • McCall Parkway Reserve
  • Shetland Street Reserve
  • Settlement Drive Reserve
  • Stockhorse Avenue Reserve
  • Local Park 10 (unnamed)

Roads, Cycleways, Bridges and Bus Routes

The Road Hierarchy Explained

A road hierarchy has been developed to adequately service the traffic generation potential of the precinct. The road classifications can range from local access streets, major and minor collector roads, arterials and sub-arterials.

Local and regional roads are provided by the NSW Government. All roads below the level of sub-arterial are usually provided by the developer as part of their subdivision or development consent. The higher order roads, usually sub-arterial at least, are included in a Developer Contributions Plan where Council collects contributions from the developer and Council constructs the road.

Street Naming

Street naming for all proposed streets identified within the Box Hill Release Area have been reviewed and approved by The Hills Shire Council and the Geographical Names Board.

Box Hill Road Naming Map(PDF, 406KB)

Box Hill Road Naming Map - Precinct A and Part of Precinct H(PDF, 303KB)

Box Hill Industrial Release Area Approved Road Name Map(PDF, 2MB)


Street Tree Masterplan

The below Street Tree Masterplan has been prepared for the Box Hill precinct.

Box Hill Street Tree Masterplan(PDF, 552KB)

Planned Major Road Work

The need for major intersection works (to be provided under the Contributions Plan) resulting from development of the Box Hill Precinct, include the construction of sub-arterial roads, bridge crossings, traffic signals, shared paths and bus shelters.

Major road work includes the upgrade of the Water Lane, Mason Road, Annangrove Road and Terry Road to four lane sub-arterial roads.


The Water Lane (four lane sub-arterial road)

The design of The Water Lane between Annangrove Road and Mason Road is currently being completed. Once completed, the design will include signalised intersections at Grandhill Parkway and future access to The Water Lane Reserve, Nelson Road, Hynds Road and Mason Road. A roundabout is also planned at the future intersection of The Water Lane, Outback Street, and Plateau Avenue. The Water Lane will be designed to accommodate two lanes of traffic in either direction.

This road will form an important bus transit connection between Rouse Hill Town Centre and Metro Station, and the proposed Box Hill Town Centre. 


Mason Road (four lane sub-arterial road)

Council is currently working directly with the development group responsible for the Box Hill Town Centre in finalising the design of Mason Road, between the proposed Mason Road by-pass and Terry Road. Council is also currently preparing the traffic assessment for the intersection of the Mason Road by-pass and Mason Road. Once complete, Council will seek approval from Transport for NSW for the signalisation of this intersection.


Terry Road (four lane sub-arterial road)

Council has been successful in securing Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC) funding from the NSW Government for the design component for the Terry Road upgrade between Mason Road and the proposed Mason Road by-pass.

Council is currently working directly with the development group responsible for the Box Hill Town Centre in finalising the design of Terry Road, between the Mason Road and the proposed Mason Road by-pass. A traffic assessment is also being prepared for the intersection of the Mason Road by-pass, Settlement Drive and Terry Road. If the warrant for traffic signals is not met at this intersection than a roundabout will be constructed at this intersection. However, if the warrants for traffic signals are met, then Council will seek approval from Transport for NSW for the signalisation.

Annangrove Road Upgrade (four lane sub-arterial road)

Council has been successful in securing Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC) funding from the NSW Government for the design component for the Annangrove Road upgrade between Windsor Road, The Water Lane and Withers Road. Council has recently begun work on the design of Annangrove Road between Windsor Road and Edwards Road.

The design of Annangrove Road will include:

  • A signalised intersection at Annangrove Road, The Water Lane and Withers Road and
  • single lane roundabout design at the intersection of Annangrove Road and Edwards Road. The single lane roundabout will be used until an increase in the volume of vehicles warrants the construction of the future signalised intersection.
  • Provision of a future signalised intersection at Annangrove Road and Edwards Road.

Traffic warrant assessment report for the intersection of Annangrove Road, The Water Lane and Withers Road has been completed and submitted to TfNSW for approval. Council have been advised by TfNSW to provide an existing traffic count at this intersection and resubmit the traffic warrant assessment report for approval.

Mason Road by-pass (four lane sub-arterial road)

Council is currently working directly with the development group for the Box Hill Town Centre in finalising the design of the proposed Mason Road by-pass. Council is also currently preparing the traffic warrant assessment for the intersection of the Mason Road by-pass and Mason Road. Once complete Council will seek approval from Transport for NSW for the signalisation of the intersection.


Boundary Road

Council is working directly with Hawkesbury Council and Transport for NSW in determining the required intersection configuration and construction priority for all intersections along Boundary Road due to the Vineyard Release Precinct.


Old Pitt Town Road

Council is currently completing the design of the signalised intersection at Old Pitt Town Road, Terry Road and Fontana Drive. The traffic warrant assessment for the intersection has been completed and submitted to TfNSW for approval. Council have been advised by TfNSW to provide an existing traffic count at this intersection and resubmit the traffic warrant assessment report for approval. The design of this intersection is well advanced and Council is waiting for approval by the various public utility services authorities for relocation or adjustment of their service.

Council is also working closely with the development team for the Regis Education, Sports and Recreation Precinct that is currently in the development stage along Old Pitt Town Road.

The revised concept design for the future roundabout at the Old Pitt Town Road, Mason Road and Nelson Road intersection has been completed. The revised design has been shared with adjacent properties at the intersection to assist them with their developments.

Council has had preliminary discussions with the developer responsible for designing and constructing the southern road approach (Mount Carmel Drive) at the Old Pitt Town Road and Valetta Drive intersection.


Planned Traffic Signals, Roundabouts and Intersections 

  • Approximately seventeen new signalised intersections at various locations throughout Box Hill.
  • Four upgraded intersections on the Windsor Road arterial network.
  • Approximately six new roundabouts on the perimeter road network of Boundary Road and Old Pitt Town Road.

Pedestrian Paths, Shared Paths and Connecting Bridges

Cycleways are planned for the precinct where they adjoin or are within public open space.

To support the planned future road network, the following bridge crossings are also scheduled for construction:

  • Terry Road Bridge over Killarney Chain of Ponds
  • Boundary Road Bridge over Killarney Chains of Ponds (part of the Boundary Road upgrade) and
  • Bridge connection from Edwards Road to Ross Place over Caddies Creek

Footpaths and shared paths are proposed along sub-arterial roads and collector roads connecting major land uses within the precinct including the town centre, neighbourhood centres, schools, parks and sports fields.

The proposed shared paths along the Water Lane, Mason Road and Terry Road will extend the regional cycle network from Castle Hill to Box Hill, predominantly via Cattai Creek. 

Mt Carmel Housing Estate - Vehicle and Pedestrian Links

Council is currently planning for improved linkages across the Killarney Chain of Ponds (the drainage corridor that runs between Longerenong Avenue and Mt Carmel Drive). Additional connections have been approved (or are currently being investigated) as shown within the figure below.

Mt Carmel Vehicle and Pedestrian Links.jpg

Completion of the remaining section of Hereford Street over the drainage reserve (red arrow in the figure above) will be delivered by private developers as part of subdivision approvals DA 2312/2018/ZB, 873/2019/ZB and 936/2021/ZB. This will connect new housing on the western side of the drainage corridor through to Mt Carmel Drive, via Brahman Road. While it is anticipated that this work will occur in the near future, as these are being delivered by private developers, Council is unable to provide a definitive date as to when the link will be completed.

It is acknowledged that additional connections at this location would greatly improve pedestrian movement and safety. As a result, Council is also investigating options for a more direct pedestrian connection between Longerenong Avenue and Mt Carmel Drive (circled area in the figure above). The drainage corridor (shown as orange in the figure above) is privately-owned land and as such, public access is currently not permitted. The ability for the public to access this land and cross the drainage corridor will need to be further investigated and resolved through negotiations with the landowner. 

In recognition of this gap in the pedestrian network, Council will investigate opportunities to improve pedestrian connections between these parts of the Precinct as part of an upcoming review of Contributions Plan No.15 (CP15), which applies to the Box Hill Precinct. Landowners will be consulted with respect to any proposed changes, including any additional infrastructure proposed, when draft amendments to the Plan are publicly exhibited.


Northern Bridge Connection

The need to provide the bridge connection from Edwards Road to Ross Place is established by the North Kellyville Contributions Plan No.13. As this route is expected to support future residents in Box Hill, the North Kellyville Transport and Traffic Assessment report identifies the need to construct the link to a collector road standard.

The bridge connection to the North Kellyville Precinct will support improved access to the Box Hill Industrial (weight limited) and Box Hill Residential Precincts.  The longer term catchment is based on the residential populations of North Kellyville and Box Hill Precincts (of approximately 45,000 people).

Council are finalising an options study report to determine the optimal route for the bridge alignment.

Council is also working with NSW Environment, Energy and Science (ESS), as well as NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) in determining the most optimal route for the bridge alignment.

Bus Routes

The future public transport network in the Box Hill Precinct will operate on the planned sub-arterial corridor of the Withers Road, The Water Lane, Mason Road and Terry Road.

A second route is also likely to operate on the collector road route of Edwards Road to Ross Place within the North Kellyville Precinct.

To support this network, twenty bus stops are proposed to be located within reasonable walking distance of activity nodes and locations convenient to residents and future employees. Bus shelters are to be provided at appropriate intervals to maintain vehicle speed while also providing sufficient access for passengers.

Detention Basins and Rain Gardens

The majority of the pre-developed Box Hill precinct is made up of rural residential properties. The urbanisation of the area (approximately 973 hectares) requires a comprehensive water cycle management strategy to address increased runoff volumes, peak flow rates and pollutants generated from the site.

The Box Hill catchment drains into Killarney Chain-of-Ponds via three waterways - the upper eastern reach and northern tributary of the Killarney Chain-of-Ponds and First Ponds Creek. The water cycle management strategy proposed for the precinct will be applied to the vast majority of the site that drains into the Killarney Chain-of-Ponds and the northern tributary.

The strategy for this precinct maximises the environmental, social and economic benefits achievable by utilising responsible and sustainable stormwater management practices. The strategy will ensure the development will meet water quality objectives set by The Hills Shire Council, Box Hill and Box Hill Industrial Precincts Development Control Plan, Growth Centres Development Code and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) for the precinct. 

Detention Basins

The control of the quantity of stormwater leaving the Box Hill area is achieved through detention basins that will ensure the post-development flows from the precinct are less than the pre-development levels. 

The combined action of a detention basin’s outlet structure and the storage behind it allows the release of detained water in a controlled manner. 

Four regional detention basin systems, with combined detention storage of over 400,000 m3, have been identified at the following locations within Box Hill: 

  • Open space east of Longerenong Avenue
  • Upper reach of the Northern Tributary near George Street
  • Junction of Mason Road and Terry Road
  • Open space between Hynds Road and Nelson Road

At this stage of the precinct’s development, only the basin next to Longerenong Avenue has been constructed. The detailed design for the regional detention system at the junction of Mason Road and Terry Road has already been completed.

The detailed design of the other two basin systems, and the culvert crossings associated with these basins, are currently being finalised.

Stormwater Quality

To achieve the required stormwater quality, a ‘treatment train’ approach will be used where various types of pollutants are removed by a number of devices acting in series. The treatment train developed for the precinct will consist of rainwater tanks, gross pollutant traps and raingardens.

Gross pollutant traps (GPT) will be installed throughout Box Hill to remove litter, vegetative matter, free oils and grease and coarse sediments prior to discharge to downstream secondary and tertiary treatment devices (secondary and treatment devices filter the ‘finer’ types of pollutants).  A GPT, for instance, will be located upstream of a raingarden to ensure gross pollutants do not impact the treatment functionality and efficiency of the raingarden.


Raingardens temporarily detain and treat stormwater runoff before it leaves the site. Raingardens have been strategically located throughout the catchment to provide effective treatment of stormwater from the catchments. 

At least twenty-three raingardens will be provided to manage the pollutant loads from the precinct. These raingardens will be located within public reserves and riparian areas. 

The implementation of the water cycle management strategy will assist in enhancing biodiversity, promoting ecological health and control the quality of water within the creeks.  This is an outcome that will benefit the existing and the future residents of Box Hill.


There is one confirmed school site within the Box Hill Growth Centre Precinct (located at 48-52 Terry Road). There are also a number of other potential schools throughout the precinct, as shown on the Indicative Layout Plan.

Delivery of schools is undertaken by the NSW Department of Education. The Department of education website is available here: https://education.nsw.gov.au/


Disclaimer – the information provided on this page is to be used as a general guide to the future development of Box Hill – all information and mapping is indicative of the development across the area and the priority and time frames around infrastructure provision.