Use of Council Land for Community Gardens

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Council considers requests from the community to create accessible public community gardens.

The garden must be located on Council owned or managed community (or operational) land.


What is a Community Garden?

For the purpose of this policy, a community garden is defined as:

  • Open space land that is generally unused passive space
  • Used by not-for-profit (NFP) community based groups to produce flowers and/or food primarily for the consumption or enjoyment of participants
  • It contributes to the health and wellbeing of the wider community
  • Provide a range of social benefits


Community Gardens Policy

Council has adopted a Community Gardens Policy to provide a framework for a land use agreement. It is designed to assist the decision making process for granting use of community land.

It's also a guide to community groups wishing to submit an application to develop a community garden.

Read Council's Community Gardens Policy here.(PDF, 140KB)


How to Apply to set-up a community garden

Step 1.Talk to Council

Before submitting your application it is important to discuss your proposal with a Council Officer. Call the Community Outcomes team on 02 9843 0555 to organise a pre-lodgement meeting.


Step 2.What you need to know before applying

  • All applications must be consistent with the adopted plan of management and/or masterplan for the location and may require a development application.
  • The community land may not be used for commercial activities. Any proceeds made from produce sales are to be returned to the community garden fund.
  • Where these gardens are provided by community groups on Council land they are to be built and operated at no cost to council.  Applicants must ensure the community members surrounding the proposed community garden are consulted.
  • Community Gardens need to have the support of the majority of the local community evidenced through a consultation process. Residents not involved may have legitimate concerns about a new community garden being established in their area including loss of open space they currently use.

For a garden to be established on Council-owned and/or Council-controlled land, the applicant must:

  • Have Public Liability Insurance to a minimum of $20 million
  • Be an incorporated association, or be auspiced by an incorporated association
  • Be a not for profit organisation
  • Be prepared to be incorporated or auspiced by an incorporated Not For Profit association. To be successful in obtaining a lease agreement, the group will need to be either incorporated or managed by an incorporated Not-For-Profit association.


Step 3.How to Apply

All groups must submit a formal application on the form below. Council will make a decision about whether it is appropriate to approve the development of a community garden.

Apply Here