Castle Hill Showground

Showground Map

The Showground is located in Castle Hill, with the entrance being off Showground Road at the traffic lights between intersections and lights at Gilbert Road and Carrington Road.


The Castle Hill Showground Main Arena is ideally located in the historic Hills District, approximately 30 kilometres room the Sydney CBD and easily accessible by public transport.

The "Aub Juleff" Arena in Castle Hill Showground offers large a trotting track and a variety of grassed area. 

The Showground is also home to the Annual Castle Hill Agricultural Show, held by the Castle Hill and Hills District Agricultural Society.   

There are grandstands, spectator seating, stables, food serving facilities, a horse box and office facilities available.

Ample car parking is also available in the Showground precinct for several hundred cars.

The Showground is available for:

  • Horse shows
  • Large Corporate Events
  • Community Events
  • Trade Fair/Shows.

To apply to hold an event at Castle Hill Showground, please visit the Organising an Event in The Hills Shire page.

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Castle Hill Showground Committee

The Castle Hill Showground Committee is duly appointed by The Hills Shire Council pursuant to Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993 and has the delegation to:

  • Provide information to Council on the issues and concerns of users of the grounds and facilities
  • Provide input into facility planning
  • Assist Council with events, open days and working bees at the facility.