Bushcare Help us protect & improve native bush through plant identification, fauna monitoring, weed control, seed collection & propagation.
Trees Information on tree removal and preservation on public land (reserves and residential nature strips) and private residents (your home and land).
Bidjiwong Community Nursery Learn about Council’s re-vegetation projects, get your free native plants, volunteer at the nursery.
Community Environment Centre at Annangrove Visit Council's Community Environment Centre, promoting sustainable living at home, in the garden and in surrounding bushland.
Monitoring Pollution Information on monitoring backyard burning and wood fired home heaters, illegal dumping, noise pollution and sediment and erosion control.
Living with Native Wildlife Information on living with native animals in The Hills, including reporting sightings.
Environmental Information for Owners of Industrial Premises Information for owners and leasees of industrial premises.
Use of Council Land for Community Gardens Council has adopted a Community Gardens Policy to provide a framework for Council to consider requests from the community for a land use agreement from Council relating to publicly accessible community gardens on Council owned or managed community or operational land.
Maps & Boundaries Use our interactive map to view information across the Hills including the Ward you live in.
Walks in the Hills Have a look at the Hills' beautiful recreation locations including great cycleways and walking tracks.