7 Garthowen Cres - Demolition of Dwelling The residential dwelling on 7 Garthowen Crescent, Castle Hill will be demolished.
Annangrove Road & Edwards Road Roundabout Construction The Hills Shire Council is upgrading the intersection of Edwards and Annangrove Road for better and safer traffic flow.
Asphalt Re-sheeting, Road Patching/Rehabilitation/Resealing Program Each year, Council allocates funds as part of its Operational Plan to renew or repair our roads. These projects renew and improve our existing road assets to ensure our road network is safe and meets the needs of our community.
Balcombe Heights Estate - Refurbishment of Amenities Building The amenities building adjoining Field 1 will be refurbished.
Balcombe Heights Estate - Retaining Wall & Seating Upgrades Retaining wall and seating upgrades at Balcombe Heights Estate.
Bella Vista Farm - Old Post Office/Shop Roof Renovation The old post office/shop will undergo a roof replacement and refurbishment.
Bella Vista Village Green - Rotunda Replacement The rotunda at Bella Vista Village Green Reserve will be replaced.
Bridge over Cattai Creek Maraylya - Flood Resilience Treatment Bridge over Cattai Creek Maraylya - Flood Resilience Treatment.
Chapel Hill Road Sackville North - Embankment and Drainage Restoration This project will stabilise the embankment and repair the road pavement at locations on Chapel Hill road.