Annangrove Road & Edwards Road Roundabout Construction The Hills Shire Council is upgrading the intersection of Edwards and Annangrove Road for better and safer traffic flow.
Asphalt Re-sheeting, Road Patching/Rehabilitation/Resealing Program Each year, Council allocates funds as part of its Operational Plan to renew or repair our roads. These projects renew and improve our existing road assets to ensure our road network is safe and meets the needs of our community.
Cockayne Reserve - Pedestrian Bridges, Shared Pathways & Playgrounds Construction of pedestrian bridges, shared pathways and playgrounds at Cockayne Reserve, Castle Hill.
Construction of a Pedestrian Refuge Island Pedestrian Refuge Island is to be constructed along Laura Street, Norwest.
Cricket Pitch Renewal - Field 6, Fred Caterson Reserve The cricket pitch at Fred Caterson Reserve will undergo a renewal.
Embankment & Road Pavement Repair - River Road, Wisemans Ferry Embankment and road pavement repair - River Road Wisemans Ferry fronting NSW Ski Gardens.
Intersection Upgrade: Withers, Barry & Hezlett Roads The Hills Shire Council is upgrading the intersections of Withers/Barry Road and Barry/Hezlett Road, North Kellyville to signalised intersections.
New Sportsfield Complex - Stringer Road Reserve The Hills Shire Council is building Stringer Road Reserve, North Kellyville.
Old Pitt Town Road, Fontana Drive, Terry Road Intersection Upgrade The intersection of Old Pitt Town Road, Fontana Drive, and Terry Road, Gables will be upgraded including the installation of traffic signals.
Park Project - Anthony Skarratt Reserve (Stage 1) Construction and development of Anthony Skarratt Reserve, Box Hill - Stage 1.