Preparation, prevention & response to local emergencies including floods and SES contact information.
Information on monitoring and regulation of retail food businesses, reporting a food risk.
Council is the primary responsible regulatory authority for parking and weight limits on roads enforcement.
Pool registration, compliance certificate, installation and fencing requirements.
Includes information on registration, fencing and child protection.
Get Ready for Summer and prepare for bushfires.
Building owners require an annual fire safety statement & certificate.
How to apply for a fireworks event and who to notify.
Hygiene standards, registration & inspection requirements for skin penetration premises.
Legal requirements for regulated systems inc. water cooling or air-handling.
For owners of septic tanks & aerated wastewater treatment systems including installation & approval to operate.
Include your CCTV and security details with the NSW Police Force.
Information on dog offences and reporting dog attacks.
Information on Asbestos removal, law and Council’s role in protecting our residents.
Information on Council's smoke free policies to protect our residents from second hand smoke.
Report Street Lighting Issues. Powerline Safety Information.
Report an unhealthy or unsafe premises here...
Use this form to report air quality issues such as smoke, dirt and dust, spray paint, chemical spraying or odour.