Pay your rates, register for notices online, calculate rates, pensioner rebates & hardship relief.
Information on tree removal and preservation on public and private property.
Lodge a request relating to your bins such as additional bins, missed bin collection, new bin services, damaged bins, etc.
Welcome to The Hills Shire and congratulations on making this your new home.
Information on building and development in the Hills, including submitting an enquiry.
View information on the application process to construct a driveway for your property.
Find out about the approval process for on-site sewage management systems.
Information on stormwater drainage issues.
Access Council's interactive map and view information such as which Ward you live in.
Search for local information close to your location using 'My Neighbourhood'.
Information for residents regarding fence disputes.
Claim your annual 4 free plants for your property at our Bidjiwong Community Nursery.