Local Government Elections

Information for Candidates

Disclosure Obligations for 2024 NSW Local Government Election Candidates

The NSW Electoral Commission is responsible for regulating compliance with electoral funding legislation (Electoral Funding Act 2018).

This includes the disclosure of political donations and electoral expenditure for those registered for the upcoming elections:

  • local government councillors
  • local government Mayors
  • candidates and
  • groups

The disclosure rules require candidates and elected councillors to disclose political donations twice a year and electoral expenditure annually.

Some individuals will be required to submit multiple disclosures if, in addition to being a candidate, they are the lead candidate of a group and/or an elected councillor or mayor.

Detailed information is available on the NSW Electoral Commission website on:

The NSW Electoral Commission helpdesk is also available to assist (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm) with enquires over the phone (1300 135 736) or by email via fdc@elections.nsw.gov.au.

What to expect in the months following your election on The Hills Shire Council this September

Council conducts: meetings 3 times per month. Normally a Workshop is held on the first Tuesday and Council meetings the second and fourth Tuesdays. This schedule may change due to conflicting events.

The usual practice is that there is no workshop held in December or January, one Ordinary meeting in December and no meetings at all in January.

Below are some key dates from the election through to January 2025.

Date  Event Estimated Times 
14/9/2024  Council Election 8am - 6pm
24/9/2024 Oath of Office (subject to declaration of the poll) 7pm
1/10/2024 Oath of Office (If poll not declared in time for 24/9/2024 7pm
8/10/2024 Ordinary Meeting of Council 7pm
12/10/2024 Councillor Induction Day 1 9am - 5pm
19/102024 Councillor Induction Day 2 9am - 5pm
22/10/2024 Ordinary Meeting of Council 7pm
26/10/2024 Councillor Induction Day 3 9am - 5pm
1-3/11/2024 Strategic Planning Workshop Friday 6pm - Sunday 10am
5/11/2024 Councillor Workshop 7pm
12/11/2024 Ordinary Meeting of Council 7pm
16-18/11/24 Local Government NSW Conference Tamworth Sun 4pm - Tuesday 12pm
26/11/2024 Ordinary Meeting of Council 7pm
3/12/2024 Ordinary Meeting of Council 7pm
15-21/1/2025 Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Course (Optional)  9am-5pm


Should you require any further information contact the Public Officer Michael Spence via email publicofficer@thehills.nsw.gov.au.


Information on Council Elections and Wards

Every four years the residents and ratepayers of The Hills Shire elect 12 Councillors and the Mayor.

Prior to 2017 the Councillors elected the Mayor and Deputy Mayor on an annual basis. However, following a constitutional referendum in 2012 to determine the method of election of the Mayor, electors now cast a vote on who should be elected as Mayor for the full four year term.

Traditionally, the twelve Councillors elected to The Hills Shire Council, represent a Ward. Three Councillors are elected to each Ward (Central, North, East and West).

Prior to the proclamation dated 12 May 2016, whereby that part of the then Hills Shire Council below the M2 was moved to the City of Parramatta, the Hills Shire was divided into four wards. The proclamation removed all wards. Council resolved on 11 October 2016 to re-establish four wards after approval was received from the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Reinstatement of the four (4) Ward structure (Central, East, North and West) within The Hills Shire Council was gazetted on Tuesday 24 January 2017, effective immediately.

The 2012 Constitutional Referendum

The Constitutional Referendum conducted in conjunction with the elections on 8 September, 2012 with the following question:

Do you favour the election of the mayor by electors for a four year term which will necessarily increases the number of Councillors by 1?

favoured the YES case:

YES 49,018
NO 43,702
TOTAL 92,720
TOTAL 100,675

Therefore from September 2017 Council's Mayor is elected by the people rather than by fellow Councillors and there will be 13 Councillors on Council.