Drop off a range of household items for recycling including electronics, soft and hard plastics, polystyrene and textiles.
More information - Acceptable Items - Event Access Map
A formal planning proposal pre-lodgement meeting is required prior to the lodgement of a planning proposal to amend The Hills Local Environmental Plan 2019.
Please note that this webpage is for Planning Proposal Pre-lodgement Meetings only. Development Application Pre-Lodgement Meetings can be booked here.
The pre-lodgement stage of a planning proposal is a critical first step to ensure early feedback, understand expectations for justification, infrastructure provision and key supporting studies, and facilitate early consultation with key authorities to resolve agency issues earlier in the process.
Early feedback allows planning issues to be resolved upfront to enable a more streamlined LEP making process.
Prior to requesting a planning proposal pre-lodgement meeting, a Scoping Proposal should be prepared to outline the proposal, key matters, and expected consultation with agencies that may be needed.
The Scoping Proposal should be prepared in accordance with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment Local Environmental Plan Making Guideline and Appendix A Scoping Proposal Template. These resources are available at www.planning.nsw.gov.au.
Please note that a planning proposal pre-lodgement meeting request will not be accepted without the submission of a Scoping Proposal and payment of the Pre-lodgement and Scoping Fee, in accordance with Council’s adopted Fees and Charges.
Request Planning Proposal Pre-lodgement meeting
Council Officers will contact you to arrange payment once the request for a meeting is received.
For more information on the process of amending The Hills Local Environmental Plan, please refer to the Amending The LEP Fact Sheet.
Amending the Local Environmental Plan - Fact Sheet(PDF, 239KB)