About the North Kellyville Precinct

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North Kellyville (View map of North Kellyville area) is a release area that was planned under the NSW Government’s North West Priority Growth Area Program along with other nearby release areas, including Box Hill.

The area is bound by Smalls Creek to the west, Cattai Creek to the east and north and Samantha Riley Drive to the south.

Typically when a rural site has been identified for possible urban development, Council (or the Department of Planning and Environment in the case of North Kellyville and Box Hill) prepares an Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) and Development Control Plan (DCP). Please visit the Department of Planning and Environment Website for copies of these documents.

These identify where different land uses and facilities (such as Open Space, Community Facilities, Waterways, and Roads and Transport Facilities) will be located.

The planning for North Kellyville was finalised in December 2008 and subsequent planning control amendments will facilitate approximately 7,200 dwellings.

North Kellyville DCP

North Kellyville SEPP

Zoning Map

View the Sydney Regional Growth Centres (North West Growth Centre) - State Environmental Planning Policy - North Kellyville Zoning Map(PDF, 1MB)


Funding and Construction

In any new release area, the NSW Government is responsible for providing water, sewer, power, major road links and public schools. Developers contribute to these costs through charges levied by the relevant State Government agencies.

The Hills Shire Council has prepared a list of local facilities a new community needs including Parks, Drainage, Playing Fields, Cycleways, Bridges and Local Roads, in accordance with criteria set by the NSW Government. Developers pay a contribution to Council in order to fund this infrastructure. View Council's Developer Contributions page for more information.

North Kellyville’s local infrastructure is estimated to cost approximately $266 million. Council is working to progressively acquire land for local facilities (including parks and playing fields), as well as prioritising the rollout of upgrades to the road network.

As development contributions are only collected in small increments as development occurs, it can unfortunately take a substantial amount of time before Council has received sufficient funds to enable certain items (such as a park or road upgrade) to be delivered. Facilities can only be delivered once adequate funds have been received through developer contributions (or other available funding sources), once all necessary land had been acquired, designs have been completed and appropriate approvals are in place.

When delivering infrastructure works, particularly in a rapidly growing urban release area, Council is challenged by many factors including land acquisition processes, statutory requirements, collaboration between multiple approval bodies and funding availability. Council is committed to delivering infrastructure in a timely manner. However, given the magnitude of the infrastructure works required within the precinct, the total rollout of infrastructure has been planned to occur over a 15-20 year development horizon.

The acquisition of land and construction of new facilities is long-term process. Acquiring all land needed to provide new facilities can be challenging, particularly when it involves many individual landowners who may, or may not, be ready to sell.

More facilities will be added to Council’s works program as further development occurs and as additional contributions are paid by developers.

Latest Information

Withers Road Upgrade Information Updated 27/08/2024 (see Roads, Cycleways, Bridges and Bus Routes tab below)

New Traffic Lights for North Kellyville

Two critical intersections in North Kellyville have been given the green light for upgrades to improve overall safety, accessibility, and traffic flow.

The Hills Shire Council awarded the tender to transform the intersections at Withers and Barry Roads and Hezlett and Barry Roads to signalised intersections.

The project's key features include the construction of a four-way fully signalised intersection to replace the existing three-way roundabout between Withers and Barry Roads.

A new link road, Barry Road Bypass, will be developed to connect with the existing intersection at Hezlett Road, which will also be upgraded to a three-way signalised intersection.

In addition, a shared pathway from Armbruster Avenue to Withers Road will also be built alongside Hezlett Road.

The project is expected to commence in June 2024 and is anticipated to take 12 months to complete, weather permitting.

Detailed project Information is available here.


Stringer Road Sportsground - Under Construction

The future sporting facility will include: 

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  • Four multipurpose fields - two soccer fields and one AFL field as the nominated winter sports and one cricket field as the nominated summer sport
  • Two multi-purpose basketball courts
  • Cricket practice nets
  • Local playground
  • Amenities building
  • Car park
  • Spectator seating
  • Pathway network


Media Release - New sporting complex is underway at North Kellyville.


Samantha Riley Drive Reserve, North Kellyville

The Hills Shire Council has completed construction of Samantha Riley Drive Reserve. 

Samantha Riley Drive Reserve is a large sporting facility with multi-purpose turf sports fields, extensive parking, local playground, basketball half court and picnic facilities.

View Samantha Riley Drive Reserve details.

Read about the official opening.


Sportsgrounds, Reserves and Playgrounds

Sportsgrounds in Development

Two large sportsgrounds are scheduled for construction within the precinct and will provide:

  • Full sized soccer, rugby league and rugby union fields
  • Flexible fields catering for touch football, hockey and ‘overflow’ demand
  • Cricket ovals and
  • Tennis courts 


Stringer Road Sportsground

The future sporting facility will include: 

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  • Four multipurpose fields - two soccer fields and one AFL field as the nominated winter sports and one cricket field as the nominated summer sport
  • Two multi-purpose basketball courts
  • Cricket practice nets
  • Local playground
  • Amenities building
  • Car park
  • Spectator seating
  • Pathway network


Environmental investigations and preliminary design work is complete for Stringer Road sportsgrounds, located on the corner of Stringer and Barry Roads, North Kellyville.

Following a public exhibition process the Master Plan for Stringer Road Reserve was adopted at a Council meeting on 23 March 2021. Click here for more information.

To view the Master Plan, click here.(PDF, 3MB)

Media Release - New sporting complex is underway at North Kellyville.

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Detailed design has been completed with a construction commencement date yet to be determined.


Samantha Riley Drive Reserve

This reserve is located on the corner of Samantha Riley Drive and Glenhaven Road, Kellyville. 

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The reserve features:

  • Playing fields – four multi-purpose fields
  • Sporting amenities
  • Local playground
  • Car park
  • Pedestrian and bicycle paths within and around the reserve
More information on Samantha Riley Drive Reserve Sporting Complex


Reserves and Playgrounds

Play space

Local open space across the precinct provides informal play space within convenient walking distance (within 500m) from local residences. These local parks include playground equipment, seating, pathways, lighting and landscaping to ensure access for all age groups within the community.

Many of these areas also include (or are scheduled for future construction) watercourses, wetlands, retention basins and other water management facilities to achieve required water quality outcomes.


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Bladensburg Road Reserve

This reserve, located on Bladensburg Road, North Kellyville was completed in late 2018.

This reserve features:

  • Playground
  • Seating
  • Grassed area
  • Bushland area
  • Waterways Infrastructure





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Springbrook Boulevard Reserve

This reserve located on Springbrook Boulevard, North Kellyville was completed in late 2019.

This reserve features: 

  • Playground
  • Seating
  • Turf Area
  • Junior Basketball Area


In the future, waterways infrastructure will be constructed at the southern end of the reserve.

Read the Springbrook Boulevard Reserve Opening Media Release Here.


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Oxlade Street Reserve

This reserve, located on Oxlade Street, North Kellyville was completed in late 2017.

This reserve features:

  • Playground
  • Grass Area
  • Cycleway and connection to the cycleway network
  • Shelter
  • Seating
  • Waterways infrastructure


Read the Park Opening Media Release here


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Lansdowne Road Reserve

This reserve, located on the corner of Lansdowne & Foxall Roads, Kellyville was completed in 2017.

This reserve features:

  • Playground with pommel swing
  • Seating
  • Shelter
  • Drinking Fountain
  • Turf Area


Read the Playground opening Media release here.

Stormwater Detention Basin and Landscape Embellishments

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Council’s contractor DSA Contracting Pty Ltd have completed construction of a stormwater management basin, recreation open space and landscape embellishments, adjoining the existing playground at the Lansdowne Road Reserve.

Works included:

  • Removal of affected vegetation
  • Earthworks
  • Construction of footpaths, ramps, detaining walls and drainage structures
  • Revegetation and landscaping

These projects aim to improve both the health of our creeks and waterways and to provide more recreational space for our residents to enjoy. 


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Twickenham Ave Reserve

This reserve, located on Twickenham Ave, North Kellyville was completed in late 2017.

This reserve features:

  • Playground
  • Learn to Ride Bike Path
  • Grass Area
  • Cycleway and connection to the cycleway network
  • Shelter and seating


Read about the opening of the Twickenham Ave Park


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Barry Road Reserve

This reserve, located on Greenmount Street, North Kellyville was completed in 2017.

This reserve features:

  • Playground
  • Seating
  • Shelter

Media Release - New Park for Kellyville


Barry Road Reserve Stormwater Detention Basin and Kickabout Area

Council’s Contractor DSA Contracting Pty Ltd, has completed construction of a stormwater management basin and a kickabout area adjoining the existing playground at Barry Road Reserve.

Works include:

  • Selective tree clearing
  • Earthworks
  • Construction of retaining walls & drainage structures
  • Revegetation and landscape planting.

This project has improved the health of creeks and waterways and provides more recreational space.

For more information read the media release

McMillian Circuit Reserve

This reserve is located on the corner of McMillian Circuit and Barwick Street, North Kellyville.

  • Playground
  • Shelter
  • Seating
  • Kickabout area


View Park details here.


McMillian Circuit Reserve Stormwater Detention Basin

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Council’s Contractor DSA Contracting Pty Ltd, has completed construction of a stormwater management basin at McMillian Circuit Reserve.

Works include the construction of essential stormwater management infrastructure

The project has improved the health of creeks and waterways and provides more recreational space.

For more information, view the media release here.



Withers Road Reserve

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North Kellyville reserve which features:

  • Natural themed playground with shade sail
  • Half-court basketball
  • Shaded picnic shelter
  • Grass areas
  • Concrete pathways


Park information available here.


Roads, Cycleways, Bridges and Bus Routes

The Road Hierarchy Explained

A road hierarchy has been developed to adequately service the traffic generation potential of the precinct. The road classifications can range from local access streets, major and minor collector roads, arterials and sub-arterials.

All roads below the level of sub-arterial are usually provided by the developer as part of their subdivision or development consent. The higher order roads, usually sub-arterial up, are included in a Developer Contributions Plan where Council collects contributions from the developer and Council constructs the road.

A residential development area the size of North Kellyville should have a single sub-arterial route to accommodate regional traffic, and Hezlett Road together with Withers Road fulfills this function. There are no arterial (Transport for NSW) routes in North Kellyville.


Street Naming

Street naming for all proposed streets identified within the North Kellyville Release Area have been reviewed and approved by The Hills Shire Council and the Geographical Names Board.

View the North Kellyville Release Road Naming Map (Aug 2014)(PDF, 522KB)


Planned Major Road Work 

Traffic projects are quite complex, with several layers of dependencies. Council is working through them progressively. Council acknowledges that the works will take some time and will be an inconvenience while under construction for residents and commuters through that area. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.


Withers Road Upgrade

The four-lane upgrade of Withers Road will be the next stage of construction. It will stretch from Massie Street to Ironbark Ridge Road.

When will it begin?

The upgrade will not begin until the intersection works in the town centre are well underway. This is because Council will need to:

  • manage the flow of traffic around the shopping precinct
  • maintain access for residents travelling to and from work
  • maintain access to local schools


What permissions are still required?

Council is seeking approval from utilities such as Sydney Water, Endeavour Energy, Jemena (gas) and Telecommunication Entities (Telstra, NBN, Optus and TPG).

Following approval Council will tender for the construction to begin within 12 months. This will depend on the acquisition of properties required for the road widening.


Securing Properties

Property acquisitions are now the key component determining the timeline. A few properties have been acquired. Property acquisitions are needed along several sections of the road.

Negotiations with the relevant owners and developers for the remaining properties are progressing.

Council hopes to avoid the need to go to compulsory acquisition.


Land Dedication

The acquisition process also requires the dedication of the land to Council as a public road. There is a process with the State Government for the registration of the various parcels of land.


What else needs to be constructed as part of the project?

There are no extra traffic signals needed for this section of Withers Road. This means approvals from Transport for NSW are not required.

The project does include:

  • a larger roundabout at Mungerie Road
  • a new four lane bridge across Smalls Creek
  • an additional two lanes of traffic
  • undergrounding electricity
  • stormwater drainage
  • concrete footpaths
  • street lights
  • landscaping

The Withers Road works, from Massie Street to Ironbark Ridge Road (and the bridge) will begin in 2025, following the completion of intersection works at North Kellyville Town Centre.


The challenges

The extent of these works will create significant difficulties during construction. This is because the road cannot be closed to through traffic. Also, night works need to be minimal due to nearby residential homes.

As a result, the project could take up to two years to complete from the award of the tender.

The relocation of public utilities, particularly telecommunication lines, will be a complex and time-consuming part of the project.


North Kellyville Town Centre Intersection Upgrades

There are two intersections at North Kellyville Town Centre that will be upgraded - Barry Road/Withers Road, and Barry Road extension through to Hezlett Road.

Both intersection designs are complete, including the traffic signal designs at each location, and they will be submitted to Transport for NSW as a single package for approval of the traffic signal designs (These designs have already been submitted to Transport for NSW in the past eighteen months, but Council has received a series of questions and comments from Transport for NSW that must be addressed before the project proceeds). This happens with all traffic signal designs in Sydney, especially those that are on local roads under the control of Local Government.

Council does not expect any further amendments to this package, and the internal approval process by Transport for NSW is generally around three months. This internal process includes payment of fees and the appointment of a Transport Coordinator for supervision of the works.

Council will then work with this Transport Coordinator during the tender and construction process to get both sets of signals built and switched on as quickly as possible.

It must be noted that the intersections will require relocation of public utilities, and this component will dictate the speed of the project. Utility adjustments include power, water supply, recycled water supply, sewer, Telstra and other communications cabling, plus gas mains.

Such relocation is a complex process as many of these works cannot be done concurrently, and will rely on one utility provider completing their work, before the next moves in for their part of the job. Final sign-off is pending from Sydney Water and Telstra. There are no further design amendments required as a result of those two utility 'sign–offs'. 

The project is expected to commence in June 2024 and is anticipated to take 12 months to complete, weather permitting.

Read more about this upgrade here.


Hezlett Road Upgrade

The upgrade of Hezlett Road to two lanes in each direction was completed in February 2022. The project has also allowed for the kerbside lanes of Hezlett Road to be clearways during the peak hour and available for parking during off peak hours. 

Foxall Road

Foxall Road is a major collector road with developers responsible for half width road construction fronting their development. Being a developer constructed route and not a council constructed road, it is not listed in the Contributions Plan and therefore it is not in Council’s capital works program.

Commercial Road Upgrade

Commercial Road is a designated sub-arterial route that provides important access to the regional shopping centre at Rouse Hill, as well as access to the regional recreational facilities east of the shopping centre.

The upgrade of this road to four lanes, between the shopping centre and Withers Road, is not funded in a Council Contribution Plan (CP), however the State Government has placed the route in the draft Special Infrastructure Contribution Levy - the State Government has not indicated when the necessary funds will be made available for the upgrade however preliminary designs have been prepared by Council should they become available.


Glenhaven Road Upgrade

The upgrade of Glenhaven Road, from the Samantha Riley Drive roundabout to the bridge over Cattai Creek, is a part of CP 13 for North Kellyville.

This year Council will commission design consultants in to finalise the plans in preparation for tendering the work for construction in the next five years.

The remaining section of the road, from the bridge heading east to Old Northern Road, will predominantly remain as it is following regional traffic modelling indicating that four lanes of traffic will not be required in the immediate future.

Council will also be upgrading the existing pedestrian crossing at Glenhaven School from a raised “wombat” facility to a signalised crossing later in 2022.


Ross Place/Edwards Road Bridge

A planned northern bridge connection from Ross Place to Annangrove Road (via Edwards Road) will be built to support both local traffic and public transport.

As a result, the connection between Ross Place and Annangrove Road is also identified to be upgraded to two lanes and will feature a heavy vehicle weight limit to reduce the amount of through traffic and heavy goods vehicles generated by the Annangrove Road Light Industrial Precinct and Box Hill Industrial and Residential Precincts.

The need to provide the bridge connection from Edwards Road to Ross Place  is established by the North Kellyville Contributions Plan No.13. As this route is expected to support future residents in Box Hill, the North Kellyville Transport and Traffic Assessment report identifies the need to construct the link to a collector road standard. The bridge connection to the North Kellyville Precinct will support improved access to the Box Hill Industrial (weight limited) and Box Hill Residential Precincts.

Council is currently working with NSW Environment, Energy and Science (ESS), as well as NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) in determining the most optimal route for the bridge alignment.


Planned Traffic Signals and Roundabouts

Traffic signals are planned or underway at Samantha Riley Drive and Hezlett Road, Hezlett Road and Gum Nut Close, Withers Road and Barry Road (the local Shopping Centre Perimeter Road) and at the Withers Road and Hezlett Road intersection (the local Shopping Centre Perimeter Road). Pedestrian signals will also be installed in front of North Kellyville Primary School.

A one-lane roundabout is planned for the intersection of Barry Road, Stringer Road and Hillview Place providing access to the Stringer Road Sportsgrounds and another at the end of Withers Road, intersecting with Fulton Place and Foxall Road.

Two lane roundabouts are planned at Samantha Riley Drive and Foxall Road and at Hezlett Road and Curtis Road.


Pedestrian Paths, Cycleways and Connecting Bridges

Footpaths and cycle paths are proposed along sub-arterial roads and collector roads connecting major land uses within the precinct including the town centre, neighbourhood centres, schools, parks and sports fields.

Proposed cycle paths on Hezlett Road and Withers Road will improve the conditions of the regional cycle route extending the Regional Green Link from Kellyville to North Kellyville and Rouse Hill.

The majority of cycleway routes within the North Kellyville Precinct will be provided by developers as required by the North Kellyville Development Control Plan, however the Contributions Plan provides for cycleways and crossings where they adjoin land reserved for a public purpose. 

Three cycle connections along Smalls Creek are proposed to provide pedestrian and cycle linkages between the precinct and the neighbouring built-up residential areas and the Rouse Hill Town Centre.

Three crossing points are proposed along Samantha Riley Drive including the signalised intersection at Hezlett Road and proposed footbridges connecting the Kellyville Greenway Link with the ridge top recreational cycle path within Samantha Riley Drive Reserve with the Glenhaven Road Bridge.


Bus Routes

An important objective in the development of the North Kellyville Precinct is to reduce car dependency through the provision of an efficient public transport system and pedestrian movement network. 

The public transport network in the North Kellyville Precinct operates on the sub-arterial corridor of Samantha Riley Drive, Hezlett Road and Withers Road.

A second route is also likely to operate on the collector road route of Foxall Road, Barry Road and Stringer Road to Annangrove Road. To support this network, nine bus stops have been located within reasonable walking distance of locations convenient to residents and future employees.  

Detention Basins, Raingardens and Roadside Swales

About Detention Basins

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Located within various open space reserves throughout North Kellyville, detention basins serve to temporarily hold stormwater runoff allowing it to be released to downstream waterway systems in a controlled manner. These dry detention basins are designed to fill with water during rainfall and to completely empty out after a short period of time. 

There are fourteen detention basins that will service the entire North Kellyville Release Area. Seven of these basins have already been completed; the other seven basins have been designed and are awaiting construction.

Map of Indicative Locations of Detention Basins across North Kellyville(PDF, 5MB)


Latest Information

Springbrook Boulevard Reserve - Stormwater Basin and Extensive Revegetation Complete

Construction of a Stormwater Management Basin and Extensive Revegetation at Springbrook Boulevard Reserve, North Kellyville is complete. Works are adjacent to the existing playground. 

Works include:

  • Construction of a stormwater basin
  • Revegetation

The project mitigates flooding and development impacts on bushland and natural areas, and provides more vegetated open space.


McMillian Circuit Reserve Stormwater Detention Basin, Playground and Kickabout Area

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Council’s Contractor DSA Contracting Pty Ltd, has completed construction of a stormwater management basin, playground and a kickabout area at McMillian Circuit Reserve.

Works will include:

  • Construction of essential stormwater management infrastructure
  • Construction of local park facilities, including new paths, a shelter, picnic setting, play equipment and landscaping.

The project has improved the health of creeks and waterways and provides more recreational space.

For more information, view the media release here.



Lansdowne Road Reserve Stormwater Detention Basin and Landscape Embellishments

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Council’s contractor DSA Contracting Pty Ltd has commenced construction of a stormwater management basin, recreation open space and landscape embellishments, adjoining the existing playground at the Lansdowne Road Reserve.

Works will include:

  • Removal of affected vegetation
  • Earthworks
  • Construction of footpaths, ramps, detaining walls and drainage structures
  • Revegetation and landscaping

The project will improve the health of creeks and waterways and provide more recreational space.

View this page for more information.


Barry Road Reserve Stormwater Detention Basin and Kickabout Area

Council’s Contractor DSA Contracting Pty Ltd, has completed construction of a stormwater management basin and a kickabout area adjoining the existing playground at Barry Road Reserve.

Works will include:

  • Selective tree clearing
  • Earthworks
  • Construction of retaining walls & drainage structures
  • Revegetation and landscape planting.

The project has improved the health of creeks and waterways and provides more recreational space.

For more information, view the media release here.


Indwarra Avenue Reserve Stormwater Detention Basin

Council’s Contractor DSA Contracting Pty Ltd, has completed construction of a stormwater management basin at Indwarra Avenue Reserve, North Kellyville.

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Works will include:

  • Selective tree clearing
  • Excavation
  • Construction of drainage structures
  • Revegetation and landscape planting.

The project has improved the health of creek and waterways. 


Completed Detention Basins

Oxlade Street Reserve

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The wetland-detention system located within Oxlade Street Reserve was completed in 2019 benefiting the neighbouring community who use the Reserve for passive recreation.

The wetland-detention system comprises two interlinked basins that assist in volume control and water quality improvement of stormwater leaving the catchment.

The lower section of the basins, which retain water for an extended period of time, is the ‘wetland’ component that allows the retention and uptake of pollutants and nutrients.  The upper detention component provides storage for incoming flows to assist in controlling the release of flows to the downstream waterway.

Apart from their stormwater treatment and detention functions, the basins add aesthetic value to the Reserve and make improvements to the local ecology.


Bladensburg Road Reserve Basins.jpg Bladensburg Road Reserve

Bladensburg Road Reserve was designed to ensure the optimisation of the Reserve as a recreational open space for the area’s growing population ­­and to provide the infrastructure to manage both the volume and water quality of stormwater received from the upstream urban catchment.

The constructed wetlands comprise a series of two ponds, with the bigger pond cascading into the smaller one. From the ponds, the water continues through the Reserve to downstream waterways and bushland.

The lower section of the basins, which retain water for an extended period of time, is the ‘wetland’ component that allows the retention and uptake of pollutants and nutrients.

The upper detention component provides storage for incoming flows from the pipes off Kumbatine Crescent and Warrabah Road.

In addition to their function of controlling the volume and water quality of stormwater received from the upstream catchment, the basins add some aesthetic value to the reserve and benefit the neighbouring community that will regularly use the area for passive recreation.


Deepwater Circuit Reserve (South-Western Corner)

Located at Mapleton Avenue and Deepwater Circuit the detention basin was constructed to attenuate flows from the upstream catchment.

The basin is designed to detain flows up to the one in 100 year storm event from the developed catchment. Flows are discharged into Smalls Creek at a controlled rate.

Two other detention basins are proposed for the northern and middle sections of Deepwater Circuit. These two basins will provide detention of flows received from their respective catchments.


Raingardens and Roadside Swales

The North Kellyville Development Control Plan, prepared by NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, includes development standards requiring on-lot rain gardens within the North Kellyville Precinct.

The North Kellyville Release Area differs from a lot of other release areas in that it is characterised by sloping land and high value remnant native vegetation along Smalls Creek and Cattai Creek. Consequently, compliance with water quality treatment targets in North Kellyville is met through a combination of on-lot rain gardens, roadside swales and basins/wetlands at key locations such as those mentioned above.

Rain gardens and roadside swales temporarily hold and improve the quality of stormwater runoff before reaching downstream waterways.

More information, including installation guidelines and maintenance plans, are available here.



North Kellyville Public School, delivered by the NSW State Government responds to the expanding urban growth identified within the Sydney West Central District and the projected population growth in the Local Government Area.

Located on Hezlett Road, Kellyville, between Withers Road and Samantha Riley Drive the new public school's core facilities currently accommodate up to 1000 students.

The school features:

  • 40 future-focused learning spaces
  • Hall
  • Library
  • Covered Outdoor Learning Areas (COLA)
  • Semi-enclosed courtyards
  • External play, gaming and sporting facilities

Visit the North Kellyville Public School Website.

For updates and more information please visit the Department of Education website.