Library Rooms at Castle Hill Library and Vinegar Hill Memorial Library may be booked online with at least 5 business days' notice, for the following purposes:
Castle Hill and Vinegar Hill Memorial Library Meeting Rooms
Meeting room: up to 4 people
Study rooms 1 & 2: up to 6 people
Room Booking Form: Commercial/Community Associations (includes Conditions of Use Information)
$17.50 (per hour)
Sonya Phillips Room, Castle Hill and William Bernard Room, Vinegar Hill
Sonya Phillips Room: up to 50 people
William Bernard Room: up to 40 people
Large Meeting Room Enquiry Form (includes Conditions of Use Information)
$44.00 (per hour)
If a room has not been booked and the appropriate fee paid it is considered available for general study. The door is to remain open to allow general community access.