E-Waste Plus Event

E-Waste Plus.

About this Event

This FREE event will allow you to drop off a range of household items for recycling.

We now also collect soft plastic, hard plastic, polystyrene and textiles. Please see the information below about acceptable items and how to prepare them.

This event is available to residents of The Hills Shire – proof of residence is required.

The next FREE E-Waste Plus Event at Castle Hill Showground is scheduled for Saturday, 15 February 2025 from 9am - 3:30pm.

E-Waste Plus Event Access Map(PDF, 4MB)


Keep up to date about all Resource Recovery events a programs by joining our mailing list here.  

E-Waste Plus Event - Acceptable Items List

Acceptable Electronic Items

Accepted Household electrical items for collection include:

  • All televisions (CRT, Rear projection, plasma, LCD, LED and OLED)
  • Computers and accessories (laptops, desktops, monitors, iPad, mice, hard drives, disc drives, keyboards, joysticks, web cams, gamepads, modems, and any other items which plug into computers
  • All printers, copiers, scanners and plotters
  • Mobile phones
  • Small household appliances (vacuum cleaners, microwaves, kettles, coffee machines, irons, toasters and mixers)
  • Other items (VCR/DVD/CD players/recorders, Hi-Fi sets, set-top boxes, radios, cameras, electrical tools, toys and power cords)
  • Electrical items with a battery or power cord (excluding items with hazardous material) will be accepted

The following items will not be accepted:

  • Items containing liquids (e.g. oil heaters, paints and solvents, chemicals)
  • Items containing light globes/fluorescent tubes
  • Large white goods (refrigerators, freezers, ovens, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers)
  • Smoke detectors
  • General waste
  • Other recycling

Acceptable Soft Plastic Items

Soft plastics will only be accepted if clean and free from labels and tape and not contaminated with organic material such as food.

Acceptable items include soft and squishy plastics such as:

  • Supermarket and plastic bags
  • Green shopper bags
  • Biscuit packets (outer wrapper, not the tray)
  • Bread bags (without the tie)
  • Cereal box liners
  • Chocolate and snack bar wrappers
  • Cling wrap with no food residue
  • Confectionery bags
  • Fresh produce bags
  • Frozen food bags
  • Pasta bags
  • Rice bags
  • Snap lock bags/zip lock bags
  • Pet food bags (dry pet food only)
  • Netting produce bags (with clips removed)
  • Newspaper and magazine wrap
  • Australia Post satchels
  • Courier and courier satchels (if all plastic)
  • Plastic film wrap from grocery items such as nappies and toilet paper


Larger sheets of plastic if clean and cut into A3 size pieces beforehand:

  • Furniture and appliances plastic wrapping
  • Bubble wrap
  • Potting mix and compost bags


The following soft plastic items will not be accepted:

  • Foil lined and silver plastic packaging such as:
  • Chip packets
  • Coffee bags
  • Packaging that has had wet food such as:
  • Ice cream wrappers
  • Squeeze pouches (yogurt, soup, pet food)


PVC such as:

  • Pool covers
  • Bed linen packaging


Hard plastics such as:

  • Biscuit packet trays
  • Fresh produce trays
  • Plastic bottles and  drink containers
  • Plastic containers and cartons
  • Clear "plastic" carry bags for sheets and blankets.
  • Large bags or sheets of plastic, greater than A3 size

Acceptable Hard Plastic Items

Acceptable items must be 100% plastic and must not contain metal parts, batteries or electrical components. Hard plastics will only be accepted if clean and free from labels and tape and not contaminated with organic material such as food.

Acceptable hard plastic items include:

  • CDs and DVDs
  • Laundry baskets
  • Reusable containers such as Tupperware, décor, Sistema etc
  • Baby bottles, reusable drink bottles such as sports bottles etc.
  • Reusable plastic plates, cups, picnicware (no cutlery or utensils)
  • Kids plastic toys
  • Plastic storage boxes
  • Stationary such as rulers
  • Plastic plant pots
  • Plastic buckets and pails (including empty paint buckets)
  • Plastic chemical bottles such as chlorine buckets, fertiliser buckets etc.
  • Kids plastic toys
  • Plastic pipes and conduit
  • Corflute signs
  • Milk crates
  • Bread crates

The following hard plastic items will not be accepted:

  • Hard plastic items that do not fit these parameters or that cannot be comfortably be handled by two people
  • Hard plastic must be clean and free from contamination such as food, soil etc.

Acceptable Polystyrene Items

Polystyrene items will only be accepted if clean and free from labels and tape and not contaminated with organic material such as food.

Acceptable polystyrene items include:

  • Clean, white rigid Polystyrene from packaging from small and large appliances, white fruit and vegetable boxes and bean bags.
  • Number 6 only
  • Polystyrene must be clean, be free of sticky tape, strapping and shrink wrapping

The following polystyrene items will not be accepted:

  • Coloured, waxy or flexible foam
  • Packaging beans/ beans from bean bags
  • Meat trays, takeaway food containers or coffee cups

Acceptable Textile Items

Textiles will only be accepted if unsoiled.

Acceptable textile items inlcude clothes and linen: 

  • Worn/ damaged/ unusable textiles and clothing
  • Clothes
  • Manchester
  • Towels
  • Curtains


The following textile items will not be accepted:

  • ‘Stuffed’ items such as pillows, doonas, soft toys etc.
  • Any soiled textiles e.g. textiles that are covered in oil, paint or other chemicals, dirty textiles

CD, DVD and VHS Recycling


Council has a CD and DVD recycling program available for households in The Hills Shire.

Items collected are rendered unreadable and then recycled into new products. Help keep CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes out of landfill. Take your old CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes to one of the collection points below.


Please note:

  • Large household quantities (max. 100 items) are requested to be dropped to The Hills Shire Council Administration Building at 3 Columbia Court, Norwest.
  • It is preferred that large household quantities are dropped-off before 1pm. This will assist us transfer items to our storage location the same day.
  • Loose items will not be accepted. Items must be bagged or boxed so items can be transferred and stored appropriately before collection.
  • Items are only accepted for drop-off during the regular opening hours of the chosen collection point.


Council Collection locations

The Hills Shire Council Administration Building

3 Columbia Court, Norwest

Baulkham Hills Library

Railway Street, Baulkham Hills

Castle Hill Library

Cnr Castle and Pennant Streets, Castle Hill

Dural Library

Pellitt Lane, Dural

Vinegar Hill Memorial Library

29 Main Street, Rouse Hill


Computers, Printer Cartridges and other Electronic Waste

Free Electronic Recycling Service: Drop-Zone at REMONDIS Seven Hills

A FREE recycling service (the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme) can be accessed by residents of The Hills Shire. Electronic waste can be dropped off at an e-waste Drop Zone collection point. Collection points are located throughout the Sydney region.  A limit of 15 items per drop-off applies.

Council is not a designated Drop-Zone.  Your nearest Drop Zone collection point is:

REMONDIS Resource Recovery Centre - located at 29 Powers Road, Seven Hills

For more information about this service, as well as opening hours and acceptable items, call 13 73 73 or visit the REMONDIS website.


Products accepted for free drop off include: 

  • All televisions, such as CRTs, Plasma, LCD and Projection televisions 

Computers and computer products:

  • Personal computers
  • Laptops, notebooks, palmtops and tablets 
  • Computer monitors
  • Parts for personal computers. E.g. Internal hard drives, motherboards, cards, internal power supplies, CPUs DVD and CD drives 
  • Computer peripherals. E.g. Mouse, keyboards, joysticks, game pads, scanners and web cameras
  • Computer modems 
  • Printers. E.g. Ink-jet, dot matrix, laser printers and multi-functional devices

To see a range of other computer and electronic waste recycling options in areas surrounding visit Recyclingnearyou.com.au or Techcollect.com.au/


National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme - A Guide for Householders

The scheme involves a combination of government regulation and industry action. It outlines the responsibility for the collection and recycling electronic waste.

For further information:



Recycling Printer Cartridges


The ‘Cartridges 4 Planet Ark’ (C4PA) program has helped divert millions of printer consumables from landfill.

Most of the cartridges from participating manufacturers are delivered to Close the Loop. Close the Loop is a Melbourne-based Australian company that provides a zero-waste-to-landfill guarantee. The rest are returned to the manufacturers for their own processing.

Participating manufacturers:

  • Brother
  • Canon
  • Epson
  • HP
  • Konica Minolta
  • Lexmark
  • Kyocera

You can recycle cartridges at all Officeworks and JB HiFi stores. There are also participating Australia Post, Harvey Norman, Dick Smith, The Good Guys stores and many others.

To find your nearest drop-off location


Mobile Phones (Mobile Muster)


The MobileMuster program is the official national recycling program of the mobile phone industry in Australia. It is funded solely by Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) members.

Mobile phones contain small amounts of hazardous substances; cadmium, lead, brominated fire retardants. If not handled appropriately at the end of their lives, phones can harm the environment.

Instead of hoarding your old phones, Round 'em up, hand 'em in to a collection point close to you. Just make sure you reformat the phone and remove your sim card.

MobileMuster guarantees the phones are recycled to the highest environmental standards.
For further information visit http://www.mobilemuster.com.au/ or call 1800 249 113.

The Planet Ark ‘ Recycling Near You’ website provides numerous recycling opportunities for common household items. To view the directory, see https://recyclingnearyou.com.au/. Please note: fees may apply for some of the services.