Convicts in The Hills
The Hills District is known for being home to the Castle Hill Rebellion. Discontent led to an uprising among Irish convicts stationed at Castle Hill Government Farm. It culminated in the Battle of Vinegar Hill.
There were many more convicts who worked in the district before and after this historic event.
Online Convict Records
Library volunteer Ian Beckett has compiled many resources and made them available in the bibliography below.
It contains consolidated information from many different sources and records on convicts that were settled or worked in The Hills Shire.
Where possible information on the ship, sentence, arrival date and occupation has been included, along with names and dates of birth.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, it is subject to human error. Users should always confirm with other sources. Discrepancies have been found between different official records.
View the convict records via this Online Table
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