
Varroa Mite Management

The Varroa destructor mite is now considered established in New South Wales. Varroa is a notifiable pest under the Biosecurity Act 2015 and Biosecurity Regulation 2017.

Beekeepers are required to monitor and report its presence.

More information on Varroa Mite Management is available on the NSW DPI website.

Free training workshops are available here to assist beekeepers with understanding and managing Varroa mite.



General Beekeeping Information

The Department of Primary Industries (DPI) provides information on beekeepers' responsibilities (including the Beekeeping Code of Practice for NSW), the rights of the general public affected by beekeeping activities or nuisance bees, and what to do when bees swarm.


Bee Swarms

If you have a bee swarm in your backyard or local area please do not try and kill or interfere with the bees - the bees will not harm you if they are left alone.

To have a bee swarm removed and placed in a beehive, you can search for (via postcode) and contact a local beekeeper here.