Garbage Service - Red Lid
Information about acceptable and non-acceptable items along with bin placement for your red lidded garbage bin.
Acceptable Garbage Items
- Plastic bags
- Disposable nappies
- Weeds (priority weeds - previously known as noxious weeds)
- Food packaging such as chip packets, meat trays
- Broken crockery, toys, light globes, drinking glass, pyrex.
- Face masks
Non Acceptable Garbage Items
- Recyclable material
- Garden organic material
- Building or construction waste
- Hazardous waste such as asbestos, batteries, paints, gas bottles
- Car parts or car bodies
- Bricks, rocks, dirt or soil
- Medical waste.
INFORMATION: Hazardous waste can cause harm when disposed of in the red lidded garbage bin. For more information and disposal options visit Cleanaway's website.
Priority Weeds (previously known as noxious weeds) may only be disposed of in this bin. Please place priority weeds in a plastic bag before placing into the red lidded garbage bin.
Do you have polystyrene foam to dispose of?
Polystyrene foam may only be disposed of through the red lidded garbage bin. Do Not place polystyrene foam into the yellow lidded recycling bin.
Polystyrene foam should be placed into a bag before being disposed of in the bin. Loose or large pieces of polystyrene may get wedged in the bin, making it difficult for the truck to empty completely.
If you have a large amount of polystyrene foam to dispose of, you may like to book in a household kerbside clean-up collection. Polystyrene foam must be bagged or boxed prior to being placed out on the kerbside to prevent it from blowing away.
Bin Presentation
- Bins should be presented one metre apart
- Bins should be placed out for collection the night before collection day
- Bin lids should open facing the road
- Bins should be presented a distance from trees, telegraph poles or other obstacles which may cause difficulty for the truck to collect
- Bins should not be overfilled or overflowing as the collection vehicles can only lift bins to a maximum weight of 70kg. Anything above this weight may result in non collection of the bin.
- To ensure a safe and efficient collection service residents living in cul-de-sacs may be asked to present bins in an alternative location to the front of their property.
Remember collection day can be exciting for children - To ensure their safety make sure they are watching from a safe distance.