This symbol is called the Mobius loop, and is widely recognised as indicating a plastic item is recyclable.
Have you seen plastics marked with triangles that contain numbers? They are plastics identification codes and the number indicates the type of plastic the item is made from.
The good news is that it is not necessary to check the number.
As a general rule, disposable plastic containers include those found in the kitchen, bathroom or laundry such as milk, soft drink and juice bottles, ice cream containers, peanut butter jars, fruit punnets, biscuit trays, plastic takeaway food containers, margarine and yoghurt tubs, laundry liquid containers, shampoo bottles and liquid soap bottles may be placed in the yellow lidded recycling bin.
Those that should stay out of the recycling bin include plastics which are contaminated, or don’t meet the criteria including plastic bags, hazardous chemical containers, CDs, DVDs and VHS Tapes, hoses, pipes and coat hangers.