Recycling Service - Yellow Lid


Acceptable Recycling Items

  • Paper, cardboard, newspapers, magazines, telephone books, cereal boxes, envelopes, junk mail, pizza boxes (food removed), shredded paper (please note: shredded paper cannot be placed into the recycling bin loose. It must be wrapped in newspaper or placed inside a brown paper bag).
  • Glass bottles and jars (with lids on)
  • All steel/tin cans including empty pet food tins
  • Empty aluminium cans
  • Empty aerosol cans
  • All plastic containers including tubs, bottles and jars.
  • Milk and juice cartons


Non Acceptable Items

  • Plastic bags - Please DO NOT place recyclables inside a plastic bag or place plastic bags in the recycling bin. Check to see if the local supermarket recycles plastic bags or alternatively, re-use them or dispose of them in the garbage bin.
  • Waxed cardboard (e.g. old fruit boxes)
  • Ceramic plates, drinking glass, pyrex, window glass, any broken glass, crockery
  • Polystyrene, bubble wrap, plastic bags shrink wrap or strapping, soft plastics (see soft plastics section below for further information)
  • Foam meat trays, disposable nappies, clothing, shoes
  • Polystyrene
  • Hazardous materials such as batteries and chemicals. Search our Recycling Directory for more information and disposal options.
  • Liquids
  • Medical waste including syringes and dialysis bags
  • Face masks
  • Other items not listed under the acceptable recycling items heading above


Please note: bins should not be overfilled or overflowing as the collection vehicles can only lift bins with a maximum weight of 70kg. Anything above this weight may result in the bin not being emptied. 

Council will be monitoring this recycling service. Penalties may apply for non-compliance. Please make sure your recycling efforts count and DO THE RIGHT BIN.



Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to rinse my recyclables before placing into the yellow lidded recycling bin?

In the Hills Shire, it is not a requirement to rinse containers, bottles or cans, however they do need to be completely empty before placing into the household yellow lidded recycling bin.

You may like to give bottles and containers a rinse during the warmer months, particularly if they contained dairy. This may help to reduce odour in the bin.

Do I leave the lids on containers, bottles and jars?

Yes, lids can be left on all containers, bottles and jars. Please make sure the item is empty before putting the lid on and placing in the yellow lidded recycling bin.

What do I do with soft plastics?

Soft plastics (the kind which can be scrunched into a ball e.g. plastic bags, bread bags, pasta packets, biscuit packets (not the tray) lolly wrappers etc.) cannot be recovered through the household yellow lidded recycling bin - please place them in your red lid garbage bin for disposal.

Note: The REDcycle Soft Plastic Recycling Program has been suspended indefinitely. 

Do you recognise the 'Chasing Arrows Triangle' as a recycling symbol?

This symbol is called the Mobius loop, and is widely recognised as indicating a plastic item is recyclable.

Have you seen plastics marked with triangles that contain numbers? They are plastics identification codes and the number indicates the type of plastic the item is made from.

The good news is that it is not necessary to check the number.

As a general rule, disposable plastic containers include those found in the kitchen, bathroom or laundry such as milk, soft drink and juice bottles, ice cream containers, peanut butter jars, fruit punnets, biscuit trays, plastic takeaway food containers, margarine and yoghurt tubs,  laundry liquid containers, shampoo bottles and liquid soap bottles may be placed in the yellow lidded recycling bin.

Those that should stay out of the recycling bin include plastics which are contaminated, or don’t meet the criteria including plastic bags, hazardous chemical containers, CDs, DVDs and VHS Tapes, hoses, pipes and coat hangers.

What is the Australasian Recycling Label?

The label provides easy to understand instructions of how to correctly dispose of all components of a products packaging e.g. which parts can be placed in the yellow lidded recycling bin, which parts belong in the red lidded garbage bin, or which parts can be returned to your local supermarket for recycling.

For more information about this label, see


For more information, contact the Resource Recovery Education Officer on 02 9843 0505.


Bin Presentation

  • Bins should be presented one metre apart
  • Bins should be placed out for collection the night before collection day
  • Bin lids should open facing the road
  • Bins should be presented a distance from trees, telegraph poles or other obstacles which may cause difficulty for the truck to collect
  • Bins should not be overfilled or overflowing as the collection vehicles can only lift bins to a maximum weight of 70kg. Anything above this weight may result in non collection of the bin.
  • To ensure a safe and efficient collection service residents living in cul-de-sacs may be asked to present bins in an alternative location to the front of their property. 

Remember collection day can be exciting for children - To ensure their safety make sure they are watching from a safe distance. 
