Driveways - Vehicular Crossing Request

What you need to know

Before lodging check with the owner, builder or contractor to that only one request is lodged per driveway.

Council consent is needed for works within the road reserve. This includes new or replacement driveways (or vehicular crossings).

For more details refer to Council's Driveway Specifications Fact Sheet.

For residential driveways

No work is to be carried out until a Vehicular Crossing Request has been lodged together with payment to Council. The contractor may commence work after 4 hours of being issued a receipt.

For medium and high density residential, commercial or industrial driveways

No work is to be carried out until a Vehicular Crossing Request has been lodged with, and accepted by Council.

Once the request has been accepted by Council, the contractor can start work.

Any works undertaken in the road reserve without approval may need to be removed.

Driveways are only permitted where they provide access to an approved garage, carport or parking space.

Second driveways

Only one driveway is permitted per residential lot. More than one driveway is not usually supported except for very specific circumstances. These are explained in Council’s Driveway Specifications.

For more information on second driveways please contact Council's Subdivision Duty Officer on (02) 9843 0374 or email

Tree Removal

If the construction of the driveway requires tree removal complete a Tree Management on Public Land Application Form (Lodge this form before your driveway application and attach the relevant approval). 

For a copy of the form email (ATTN: Vegetation Works team).

The removal of a tree smaller than 3m does not need specific approval. You must replace the tree with a mature tree of a similar species before the final signoff on the driveway. 

A vehicular crossing request is a form of Section 138 approval issued under the Roads Act 1993. For private roads (usually within community title schemes), you can make a request for the work to be inspected. This is not mandatory.


Who can carry out the work?

The person carrying out the work (usually a concreter) must:

  • Have a current public liability insurance policy for no less than $10 million and
  • Be appropriately skilled and experienced to carry out the work

All sub-contractors are the responsibility of the contractor.

The application must include the details of the person carrying out the work. This means you need to select a contractor beforehand.

The application must include a copy of the public liability insurance policy.

If the person carrying out the work changes it is the responsibility of the applicant to update these details.

Council does not have a list of required or preferred concreters.

How do I lodge an application?

A Vehicular Crossing Request must be lodged online here.

The fee for each driveway is set out in Council’s adopted Schedule of Fees and Charges.

There are different fees for standard/residential driveways and heavy duty driveways servicing:

  • medium or high density residential
  • mixed use
  • retail
  • commercial or
  • industrial developments

For residential driveways

Until a Vehicular Crossing Request has been lodged (together with payment to Council) no work is to be done.

Once a receipt has been issued the contractor can start work.

For medium and high density residential, commercial or industrial driveways

Until a Vehicular Crossing Request has been lodged (and accepted by Council) no work is to be done.

Once accepted by Council the contractor can start work.


Council does not provide design levels for new or replacement driveways. Rather, the driveway set out needs to provide for compliant gradients. This is per Council’s Driveway Specifications.

How do I arrange for an inspection?

For residential driveways

Once a Vehicular Crossing Request has been lodged and a receipt issued by Council, the contractor can start work.

For medium and high density residential, commercial or industrial driveways

Once a Vehicular Crossing Request has been lodged with, and accepted by, Council the contractor can start work.


Council’s Driveway Specifications includes details about:

  • how the work needs to be carried out and
  • when it needs to be inspected

Usually an initial inspection is carried out before any concrete is poured. A final inspection is carried out once the works are completed.

Only the Applicant, Owner or Contractor (identified in the original Vehicular Crossing Request) can arrange an inspection.

Make an inspections request no less than 24 hours beforehand. You can request for a morning or afternoon inspection.

To arrange for an inspection contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 02 9843 0555.

Council’s inspector will visit the site and issue a digital inspection result to the persons' quoted in the application.

Do I need to lodge a Vehicular Crossing Request before I can get my Complying Development Certificate?

Before a Complying Development Certificate can be issued, for any road opening, written consent is required from the roads authority.

This is a requirement of the:

State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008

For single dwellings only

Only a Complying Development Certificate may be issued before an application is lodged. This is only the case if the application is made before the driveway is constructed.

This is because the contractor for the driveway works may not be known at this stage. This information is required to lodge an application.

For all other developments

Written consent must be obtained before a Complying Development Certificate can be issued.

For more information

For more information or assistance contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 02 9843 0555 or Council’s Subdivision Duty Officer on 02 9843 0374.