The Davitt Awards 2024

The Davitt Awards are presented annually by the Sisters in Crime Australia association for Australian crime fiction written by women. The winners were announced in September 2024.

Winner: When One of Us Hurts by Monica Vuu
Reader's Choice

 Reader's Choice: The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies by Alison Goodman  
Winner - Debut Crime
Winner - Debut Crime: The Half-Brother by Christine Keighery
Winner - Non-Fiction
Winner - Non-fiction: The Schoolgirl, Her Teacher and his Wife by Rebecca Hazel
Shortlisted Titles
Shortlist: Chasm by Bronwyn Hall
Shortlist: The Tea Ladies by Amanda Hampson
Shortlist: Prima Facie by Suzie Miller
Shortlist: Exquisite Corpse by Marija Pericic
Shortlist: The Fall Between by Darcy Tindale
Shortlist: Reclaim by Ahona Guha
Shortlist: Ghosts of the Orphanage by Christine Kenneally
Shortlist: Obsession by Nicole Madigan