Illegal Dumping and Landfill
Illegal dumping includes the unlawful transporting or dumping of waste or land filling without the consent of Council.
Illegal dumping can have adverse affects on wildlife and the local environment. It encourages vermin and introduces weeds. It also creates visual and environmental pollution and can contaminate land and local waterways. It can pose a health risk or fire hazard to the community.
Under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act, 1997 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 Council can issue:
- a clean up notice
- an on the spot fine
- or prosecute an offender in the Local Court
For more serious offences, offenders can be prosecuted in the Land and Environment Court.
Penalty notices of up to $250,000 can apply to an individual.
Report Illegal Dumping Here
If you're thinking about using fill on your land or storing wastes such as tyres, you must first contact Council. Council has adopted a policy that Development Consent is required from Council for any filling of land which:
- Exceeds 600mm in height above the natural ground level.
- Adversely effects the amenity of adjoining residents.
- Interferes with the original/natural state of the vegetation, topography, drainage, heritage, scenic and other qualities of the site.
- If the fill is more than 150mm deep - not occupy more than 25% of the area of the lot.
- Landfill of waste material is not permitted without formal approval and any unauthorized disposal of waste, which includes excavated material, is a breach of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and subject to substantial penalties.
Council approval is required to ensure that only uncontaminated fill is used on residential properties and appropriate safety measures are in place.
If anyone approaches you about taking fill or other material onto your property - either for free or for payment - check with Council immediately.
If you accept material and it's contaminated you could be putting your health and the environment at risk. You also risk a fine or clean up costs and might permanently devalue your property.
Beware of unscrupulous tree loppers offering you free mulch which is of poor quality and they often deliver more than you need! This is illegal dumping and penalties up to $8,000 may apply. As the land owner you may be required to remove the excess at your own expense.
While most transport operators take waste to legal waste facilities, other attempt to avoid disposal costs by illegally dumping it on private property.
Taking fill to an unauthorised site is an offence even if you have the landowner's permission. Ensure the load you're carrying is going to a legal site - or risk a hefty fine.
Getting Rid of Your Waste
It is your responsibility to ensure that your waste, including excavated material, demolition waste and tyres, go to a legal waste disposal or recycling facility. If you don't, you risk large fines.
As the owner of the waste you may still be held responsible for where it ends up and may have to pay clean-up costs.