Next date: Sunday, 02 March 2025 | 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Everyone welcome. No experience necessary!
Wheelie Park was planted with over 5,000 plants on National Tree Day 2023. This group will be maintaining these plantings and infill planting with native groundcovers and shrubs of the Cumberland Plain to increase connectivity and provide habitat and food for native animals.
Come along and help us. Morning tea biscuits provided.
Please note: Prior to registering below, if you are new to volunteering projects at The Hills Shire Council please complete an online application form on our Volunteer Portal.
Register Here
Connelly Way, Kellyville, 2155, View Map
Connelly Way , Kellyville 2155
Fields marked as 'Required' must be completed
Email Address*(Required)
Enter your email address or your friend's email addresses all separated by commas.
Occurrence Pattern*(Required)
This event occurs on the First Sunday of every 1 month(s) for 10 times.