Rates Calculator

This calculator will help you estimate what your rates will be for a full financial year 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025. Follow the steps below for a calculation.

  1. Enter the land value.
  2. Select a land type. There are three types within this Shire, being Residential, Business or Farmland. These categories reflect the dominant use of the property.
  3. Enter your appropriate garbage type. Most residential properties have a 140L bin.
{{serviceCount}} services

Stormwater is not included in this estimate. The charge for business stormwater is $25.00 per 350m2 of land area.

Ad Valorem Rate in $ {{advaloremrate | number :8}}
Ad Valorem rates calculated on Land Value {{calclandValue | currency}}
Base Rate Amount {{baserate | currency}}
Garbage Type {{garbagetyperate | currency}}
Storm Water Charge {{stormwatercharge | currency}}
Estimated Rates {{ratesestimate | currency}}

NB: The Rates calculator will give you an estimate only.