Impounded Pets

Animal Pound


Any dog or cat that is impounded must be microchipped and registered for life under the Companion Animals Act, 1998 before it can be released from Council's pound.

The pound is located at Mulgrave Road, McGraths Hill and is open to the public during the following hours:

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday 

9:00am - 12:30pm

2:00pm - 4:30pm


9:30am - 11:30am


7:00am - 9:00am

Animal releases up to half-an-hour before closing.

For more information contact: +61 2 4560 4644



Seized dogs held by residents

A person who impounds or captures a dog under the act must contact Council on +61 2 9843 0555. An Animal Control Officer will come and collect the dog.

Any person who seizes a dog and does not notify Council is guilty of failure to take a seized dog to the owner or Council pound.

If you find a dog it is your responsibility to notify Council and attempt to locate the owner of the dog. 



Collecting an Impounded Dog or Cat

If an impounded dog or cat is microchipped Council will:

  • notify the owners and/or
  • house the dog at the pound for a minimum of 14 days

If the dog or cat is not microchipped Council will house the dog or cat for a minimum of 7 days.

After this period the dog or cat will either be sold or destroyed.

Before they can be released from the pound all dogs and cats must:

  • be microchipped and
  • lifetime registered

For more information on the cost of retrieving impounded animals call the shelter on  +61 2 4560 4644.