Local Traffic Committee


Under the provisions of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 2013 No. 18, traffic is controlled by the installation of prescribed traffic control devices such as regulatory signs (e.g. ‘No Parking’, ‘No Stopping’ etc) or traffic control facilities (pedestrian crossings, median islands, pedestrian refuges etc).

Given the extensive size of the road network within NSW, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has delegated certain aspects of the control of traffic on local roads to Council. However before exercising that delegation, Council is required by TfNSW to seek the views of the Local Traffic Committee (LTC).

The LTC is a committee of Council and consists of:

  • the Mayor (or his or her representative)
  • the local State Member of Parliament (or his or her representative)
  • a representative of the Police
  • a representative of TfNSW

The purpose of the LTC is to provide technical advice on traffic control matters to Council. That advice must be taken into consideration before Council chooses to exercise its delegation to control traffic on local roads.

Where Council proposes to exercise that delegation, a report is prepared and considered by the members of the LTC.

A Council review of the the operation of the LTC identified opportunities for dealing with traffic control matters more efficiently. As part of that review, routine matters are now electronically referred to the LTC members who make a recommendation to Council.

For more complex matters, a face to face meeting of the LTC members may be required. These meetings will be held on the third Monday of the month.

In the case of electronic referrals, the recommendations from the individual LTC members will be incorporated in a monthly report that is included as an agenda item at an Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Where a face to face meeting of the LTC is to be held, it will be publicised on Council’s website. An Agenda for such meetings will also be available on Council’s website on the second Friday of the month. A separate report with the recommendation from any face to face meetings of the LTC will also be included as an Agenda item at an Ordinary Meeting of Council.