Parking, Footpath and Road Information

About Parking and The Hills Council

Council is the primary responsible regulatory authority for parking enforcement.

Council enforces the relevant legislation to:

  • Improve pedestrian and driver safety
  • Provide fair access to available parking and
  • To better manage traffic flow.

Council staff enforce parking restrictions on foot or by using Council’s parking enforcement vehicle. 

Council's Parking Enforcement Vehicle (PEV)

Council's Parking Enforcement Vehicle (PEV)

The vehicle features state-of-the-art cameras and GPS mapping software.

Cameras mounted on the roof provide a 360 degree view.

The car detects offences in real time including:

  • Illegal parking in bus zones
  • School zones
  • No parking and no stopping zones.


The licence plate and location are recorded when an offence is detected.

Permission to Record Parked Vehicles

Council’s authorised officers are permitted under legislation to:

  • Investigate parking and road related offences
  • Gather evidence to prove an offence.

Council Rangers can collect evidence for court proceedings including:

  • Images of offending vehicles
  • Licence plate information


Accessing Images

Penalty infringement notices include images that can be viewed on the Revenue NSW website.

How are Penalty Notices Issued?

In most cases penalty notices are sent to you in the mail. In some cases a parking officer may issue a notice at the time of the offence.

Parking Fines

Council does not handle payments or disputes for parking fines.

Revenue NSW manage penalty notices.

If you believe a penalty notice has been issued in error, or you want to ask for leniency contact Revenue NSW.

Call 1300 138 118 or visit

How to Pay Your Parking Fine

The penalty notice has instructions on how to pay your fine. Or contact Revenue NSW for more information.

More Information on NSW Parking Rules

Please visit Revenue NSW to find out more information about parking rules in NSW

Mobility Parking Permits

People with mobility disabilities have designated parking areas.

Vehicles must display valid permits to use these parking spaces.

More information is available here.

Residential Parking Permits

Council does not currently issue residential parking permits within The Hills.