Local Strategic Planning Statement & Supporting Strategies
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Local Strategic Planning Statement
Hills Future 2036, The Hills Shire Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS), is about the future of the whole community. It replaces Council’s previous Local Strategy and Planning Directions.
The Local Strategic Planning Statement was endorsed by Council on 22 October 2019, Minute No.565.
A letter of support was received from the Greater Sydney Commission Assurance Panel on 4 March 2020 and the Local Strategic Planning Statement was formally made on 6 March 2020.
- Provides a land use vision for The Hills Shire to 2036
- Provides planning priorities and actions for the next five years
- Outlines the characteristics that make The Hills unique
- Identifies our shared values that must be maintained or enhanced
- Directs how future growth and change will be managed
- Informs changes to our Local Environmental Plan
- Builds on the Central City District Plan where relevant to The Hills
- Identifies where further strategic planning work will be needed
It draws on an understanding of economic, social and environmental needs over the next 20 years and sets planning priorities and corresponding actions that, over the next five years, will provide for more housing, jobs, parks and services for the growing population.
Local Strategic Planning Statement Action Report
The basis for monitoring and reporting on the Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) is the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework under the Local Government Act 1993.
The annual LSPS Action Report, considered and received by Council with the Annual Report, highlights achievements and progress on planning priorities across the five LSPS themes of economy, shaping growth, infrastructure, environment and proactive leadership.
Local Strategic Planning Statement Action Report 2023 - 2024(PDF, 37MB)
Local Strategic Planning Statement Action Report 2022 - 2023(PDF, 23MB)
Local Strategic Planning Statement Action Report 2021 - 2022(PDF, 30MB)
Local Strategic Planning Statement Action Report 2020 - 2021(PDF, 18MB)
Supporting Strategies
The LSPS is supported by a suite of six strategies which provide a robust evidence base to guide planning in The Hills.
Housing Strategy
The Housing Strategy is based around the following planning priorities:
- plan for new housing to support Greater Sydney’s growing population;
- plan for new housing in the right locations;
- plan for a diversity of housing;
- renew and create great places; and
- provide social infrastructure and retail services to meet residents’ needs.
Housing Strategy(PDF, 12MB)
Recreation Strategy
The Recreation Strategy is based around the following planning priorities:
- provide social infrastructure to meet residents’ needs;
- provide new and upgraded passive and active open spaces; and
- expand and improve the active transport network.
Recreation Strategy(PDF, 4MB)
Productivity & Centres Strategy
The Productivity and Centres Strategy is based around the following planning priorities:
- plan for sufficient jobs, targeted to suit the skills of the workforce;
- build strategic centres;
- provide retail services to meet residents’ needs;
- renew and create great places; and
- retain and manage valuable industrial and urban services land.
Productivity and Centres Strategy(PDF, 6MB)
Integrated Transport & Land Use Strategy
The Integrated Transport and Land use Strategy is based around the following planning priorities:
- build strategic centres to realise their potential and renew and create great places;
- influence travel behaviour to promote sustainable choices;
- plan for convenient, connected and accessible public transport to shape and support growth;
- expand and improve the active transport network; and
- plan for a safe and efficient regional road network.
Integrated Transport and Land Use Strategy(PDF, 9MB)
Environment Strategy
The Environment Strategy is based around the following planning priorities:
- protecting areas of high environmental value and significance;
- increasing urban tree canopy cover;
- managing natural resources and waste responsibly; and
- preparing residents for environmental and urban risks.
Environment Strategy(PDF, 15MB)
Rural Strategy
The Rural Strategy is based around the following planning priorities:
- manage and protect the rural-urban interface;
- renew and create great places and facilitate housing in the right locations;
- retain and manage the Shire’s rural productive capacity;
- encourage support activities and tourism in rural areas.
Rural Strategy(PDF, 11MB)
Other Supporting Plans and Strategies
Economic Growth Plan
At its Council Meeting of 10 October 2023, Council resolved to adopt the Economic Growth Plan (Minute No. 443). Accordingly, the Economic Growth Plan has now been finalised.
The Economic Growth Plan provides a clear direction for economic development, jobs and investment within the Shire and sets out actions to progress the vision.
The Plan articulates the benefits of locating and doing business in The Hills Shire and how Council will support business and employment growth in the region.
It seeks to reduce the Shire’s reliance on population serving industries and focus on value adding industries that create jobs suited to our skilled population.
Economic Growth Plan(PDF, 8MB)
Castle Hill Precinct Plan
At its Council Meeting of 11 June 2024, Council resolved to adopt the Castle Hill Precinct Plan (Minute No. 243). Accordingly, the Castle Hill Precinct Plan has now been finalised.
The Castle Hill Precinct Plan sets the framework for reinforcing Castle Hill as a vibrant regional destination and expanding the mix of uses within the Strategic Centre, including increased housing capacity and more employment opportunities aligned with the skills of local residents.
The vision for Castle Hill builds on previous strategic work by The Hills Shire Council and the NSW Government as well as technical investigations focused on the Shire’s centres that provide insight into their unique features, role and function in the region. It advances the planning into finer grain, site specific detail to inform potential changes to planning controls and the infrastructure framework.
Castle Hill Precinct Plan (Note: This is a large file and may take longer to download)(PDF, 268MB)
Norwest Precinct Plan
At its Council Meeting of 9 July 2024, Council resolved to adopt the Norwest Precinct Plan (Minute No. 289). Accordingly, the Norwest Precinct Plan has now been finalised.
The Norwest Precinct Plan sets the framework for Norwest to emerge as a thriving mixed use Strategic Centre and highly competitive employment precinct.
The vision for Norwest builds on previous strategic work by The Hills Shire Council and the NSW Government as well as technical investigations focused on the Shire’s centres that provide insight into their unique features, role and function in the region. It advances the planning into finer grain, site specific detail to inform potential changes to planning controls and the infrastructure framework.
Norwest Precinct Plan (Note: This is a large file and may take longer to download)(PDF, 463MB)
Rouse Hill Precinct Plan
At its Council Meeting of 28 November 2023, Council resolved to adopt the Rouse Hill Precinct Plan (Minute No. 531). Accordingly, the Rouse Hill Precinct Plan has now been finalised.
The Rouse Hill Precinct Plan sets the framework for Rouse Hill to grow into a thriving regional destination and mixed use strategic centre, with employment opportunities to match the needs of local highly skilled residents.
The vision for Rouse Hill builds on previous strategic work by The Hills Shire Council and the NSW Government as well as technical investigations focused on the Shire’s centres that provide insight into their unique features, role and function in the region. It advances the planning into finer grain, site specific detail to inform potential changes to planning controls and the infrastructure framework.
Rouse Hill Precinct Plan (Note: This is a large file and may take longer to download)(PDF, 238MB)
Smart Places Strategic Framework
At its Council Meeting of 20 February 2024, Council resolved to adopt the Smart Places Strategic Framework (Minute No. 41).
As technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it becomes more accessible and appealing. This shift requires active engagement and decision-making by our Council about how digital infrastructure, technology, and various "smart" initiatives can be used to better our lives.
The Smart Places Strategic Framework aims to establish and communicate a strategic direction for the continued transformation of The Hills Shire into a Smart Place and facilitate further discussion, collaboration, investigation, decision-making and action by stakeholders.
The Framework will be regularly reviewed and adapted as deemed necessary by Council, to keep pace with technological advancements and new developments to ensure it remains flexible to accommodate inevitable changes that will occur over time.
Download the Smart Places Strategic Framework(PDF, 24MB)
Public Domain Strategy
At the meeting of March 26, Council resolved to adopt the Public Domain Strategy (Resolution No. 105)
The public domain provides an important space within urban environments for recreation, social interaction and cultural activity, and can have major impact on amenity, sense of place and liveability. The Public Domain Strategy aims to increase the visual and environmental amenity of the public domain ensuring community infrastructure is attractive, safe and well maintained.
The Strategy sets the framework for future planning of the public domain across the Shire. It will guide future Council decision-making and policy development using an established set of design principles and strategies, based on best practice, that will inform the preparation of new precinct-specific Public Domain Plans and the review and update of existing Council policies and specifications.
Download the Public Domain Strategy(PDF, 57MB)
The Hills Corridor Strategy
Castle Hill North Precinct Plan 2015
Edwards Road Industrial Precinct Master Plan 2013
Baulkham Hills Town Centre Master Plan - Exhibited Draft
Shire Wide Heritage Study
Archive - Local Strategy & Planning Directions (superseded)
This section includes the following strategic planning documents (and documents that have supported their preparation):
- Local Strategy and Directions (2010)
- The Hills Corridor Strategy (2015)
- Castle Hill North Precinct Plan (2015)
- Edwards Road Industrial Precinct Master Plan (2013)
- Baulkham Hills Town Centre Master Plan (Exhibited Draft)
Local Strategy
The Local Strategy is the principal document for communicating the future planning of the Shire and includes the objectives of longer term planning projects of the State Government as well as responding to, and planning for, local needs such as employment, housing and transport. The Local Strategy focuses on seven key areas of direction, in line with the suite of strategy work undertaken.
Local Strategy(PDF, 40MB)
Residential Direction
The Residential Direction adopted by Council on 10 June 2008 aims to give Council, the community and developers a clear strategy for the future planning and management of residential development and growth to 2031. The Direction reviews progress in achieving additional dwellings and demonstrates the capacity to accommodate State Government dwelling targets into the future. It also addresses key housing issues such as special needs housing, affordability, sustainability, streetscape and residential character.
A range of strategies and actions have been prepared under the following four Key Directions:
- Accommodating population growth
- Respond to changing housing needs
- Provide a sustainable living environment
- Facilitate quality housing outcomes
Residential Direction(PDF, 4MB)
Waterways Direction
Waterway environments can include natural creeks and rivers, rehabilitated channels, constructed wetlands, man-made stormwater systems and detention basins, as well as open water bodies and wetlands. The Waterways Direction adopted by Council on 10 June 2008 has been prepared to reflect Council’s desired approach to guide the planning, protection, management and maintenance of the Shire’s waterways.
The Direction is structured around the following four Key Directions:
- Manage and plan for floodplain risk and floodplain use
- Effective stormwater system planning
- Effectively manage the stormwater system
- Manage the Shire’s natural waterways
Waterways Direction(PDF, 2MB)
Environment & Leisure Direction
The Environment and Leisure Direction adopted by Council on 12 August 2008 aims to give Council and the community a clear strategy for the future planning and management of land that has been identified as having leisure, scenic, recreation, environmental or heritage conservation value.
A range of strategies and actions have been prepared under the following six Key Directions:
- Protect and manage the Shire's environment and leisure spaces
- Provide high quality spaces for community recreation and enjoyment
- Improve the accessibility and connectivity of environment and leisure spaces
- Provide for public domain spaces that encourage community interaction
- Conserve the Shire's unique diversity of plants and animals
- Protect Aboriginal cultural heritage
Environment and Leisure Direction(PDF, 4MB)
Centres Direction
Centres are more than just places to shop or work. They are also the venue for civic functions, social interaction, and recreation, and are an ideal location for community facilities and public transport hubs. The Centres Direction was adopted by Council on 23 June 2009 to achieve the creation of vibrant and accessible centres that meet community needs.
A range of strategies and actions have been prepared under the following four key directions:
- Create vibrant centres that meet the needs of the community
- Make centres more attractive places to visit
- Make centres accessible to the community
- Improve the functioning and viability of existing centres
- Plan for new centres in new areas
Centres Direction(PDF, 4MB)
Employment Lands Direction
The provision of suitable employment lands is needed to balance the urban growth of the Shire and facilitate economic development. The Employment Lands Direction adopted by Council on 23 June 2009 seeks to contribute to the economic growth of the Shire, for local businesses to grow, meet local service needs and provide opportunities to work close to home.
A range of strategies and actions have been prepared under the following six Key Directions:
- Accommodate the growth of a modern local economy to meet community needs
- Enhance the attractiveness of the Shire for new business and visitors
- Promote growth in local business and employment opportunities
- Enhance the use and viability of existing employment lands
- Plan for new employment lands
- Encourage quality employment lands
Employment Lands Direction(PDF, 4MB)
Integrated Transport Direction
Transport, in particular public transport, is considered to be one of the key issues facing The Hills Shire and the North West Region of Sydney. The development of a better transport network is needed to achieve balanced urban growth in the Shire and improve quality of life. The Integrated Transport Direction adopted by Council on 11 May 2010 provides a package of solutions to provide greater connectivity between key destinations and ensure that residents can get where they need to go with a range of integrated travel options.
A range of strategies and actions have been prepared under the following five Key Directions:
- Plan and manage the Shire's transport network to meet community needs.
- Facilitate delivery of a cohesive transport network.
- Promote and enhance sustainable travel choices.
- Plan for an integrated transport network for new areas.
- Encourage quality transport outcomes.
Integrated Transport Direction(PDF, 5MB)
Rural Lands Strategy
The Rural Lands Strategy was adopted by Council on 19 August 2003 with a resolution to prepare a draft Local Environmental Plan and draft Development Control Plan taking into account the growth management philosophy, development principles and objectives of the Rural Lands Strategy.
In June 2005, Council resolved to exhibit a draft Rural Lands LEP and draft Rural Lands DCP. The draft plan and draft DCP were not exhibited or gazetted due to the need to await the release of the Metropolitan Strategy and North West Subregional Strategy.
The Rural Lands Strategy and statutory work undertaken to date will inform the drafting of the rural zones for LEP 2010 and a review of development controls for rural zoned land in the Baulkham Hills DCP.
Rural Strategy(PDF, 18MB)
Supporting Documents
Centres, Employment & Transport
Baulkham Hills Retail Floorspace and Demand Analysis 2008(PDF, 8MB)
Baulkham Hills Employment Lands Demand Analysis 2008(PDF, 112MB)
Integrated Transport Study 2009(PDF, 6MB)
Baulkham Hills Rural Lands Study Background and Issues Report 2001(PDF, 20MB)
Baulkham Hills Rural Lands Study Community Consultation Report 2001(PDF, 9MB)
Baulkham Hills Rural Lands Study Strategic Environmental Assessment and Strategy Framework 2002(PDF, 43MB)
Natural Asset Mapping for Baulkham Hills Shire Council 2002(PDF, 2MB)
Baulkham Hills Rural Lands Study Village Character Analysis and Urban Design Guidelines 2003(PDF, 107MB)
Baulkham Hills Rural Lands Study Community Communication Report 2003(PDF, 46MB)
Baulkham Hills Rural Lands Study Stage 3 Plan Making Background Report 2004(PDF, 6MB)
Ecological Status of Remnant Bushland in Baulkham Hills Shire 2004(PDF, 557KB)
Independent Review of the Baulkham Hills Rural Lands Study 2005(PDF, 1MB)
The Hills Corridor Strategy 2015
The Hills Corridor Strategy 2015(PDF, 43MB)
Supporting Documents
The Hills Corridor Strategy Demographic Assessment 2015(PDF, 6MB)
The Hills Corridor Strategy Infrastructure Assessment 2015(PDF, 863KB)
The Hills Corridor Strategy Transport Assessment 2015(PDF, 2MB)
The Hills Corridor Strategy Employment Assessment 2015(PDF, 1MB)
Castle Hill North Precinct Plan 2015
Castle Hill North Precinct Plan 2015(PDF, 35MB)
Edwards Road Industrial Precinct Master Plan 2013
Edwards Road Industrial Precinct Master Plan 2013(PDF, 4MB)
Supporting Documents
Edwards Road Industrial Precinct Economic and Employment Study 2012(PDF, 3MB)
Edwards Road Industrial Precinct Traffic and Accessibility Study 2012(PDF, 5MB)
Edwards Road Industrial Precinct Flora and Fauna Assessment 2012(PDF, 8MB)
Baulkham Hills Town Centre Master Plan - Exhibited Draft
Baulkham Hills Town Centre Master Plan - Exhibited Draft(PDF, 30MB)
Shire Wide Heritage Study
Shire Wide Heritage Study (1993 - 1995)(PDF, 43MB)
For queries regarding the above strategic documents and the The Hills LEP 2012 contact the Forward Planning Team on +61 2 9843 0555.