Voluntary Planning Agreements - Register & Archive

A Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) is an agreement entered into by a planning authority and a developer.  Under an agreement a developer agrees to provide or fund:

  • public amenities and public services;
  • affordable housing; and
  • transport or other infrastructure.

Contributions can be made through:

  • dedication of land;
  • monetary contributions;
  • construction of infrastructure; and/or
  • provision of materials for public benefit and/or use.

VPAs cannot be entered into unless public notice has been given and an explanatory note is made available for inspection for at least 28 days.

The Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 requires that Council maintain a planning agreement register for public inspection.  The register must include:

  • a short description of any VPA that applies to the area of the Council,
  • the date the agreement was entered into,
  • the names of the parties, and
  • the land to which it applies.


Current Planning Agreements

01/2018/VPA – Rouse Hill Regional Centre Planning Agreement

The Agreement secures the provision of public facilities and services to meet certain demands created by development within the Rouse Hill Regional Centre. The Agreement requires the Developer to make monetary contributions, provide district and local open space facilities, contribute to the funding of a library and community centre and complete works within Caddies Creek.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

29 December 2006

Planning Agreement parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Lend Lease GPT (Rouse Hill) Pty Limited; GPT RE Limited; GPT Management Holdings Limited; Lend Lease Corporation Limited.

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:

Land within the Rouse Hill Regional Centre, generally bound by Windsor Road, Commercial Road, Bridgewood Drive and Sanctuary Drive.

Rouse Hill Regional Centre - Planning Agreement(PDF, 9MB)

02/2018/VPA – 354-368 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill

This Agreement relates to the stabilisation works and land dedication to be completed by the Developer in association with development at 354-368 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

30 October 2009

Planning Agreement parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Belcrib Pty Ltd

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:

Land formerly known as 354-368 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill (generally new subdivision along Womurrung Avenue and Murrung Way, Castle Hill)

Voluntary Planning Agreement 354-368 Old Northern Road Castle Hill(PDF, 542KB)

Deed of Rectification - 354-386 Old Northern Road(PDF, 73KB)

03/2018/VPA – Castle Towers - Showground Road Upgrade

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Roads and Maritime Services by the Developer, towards the implementation of Showground Road Upgrade Works and the dedication of land by the Developer as public road. 

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

10 January 2017

Planning Agreement parties:

QIC Limited; Roads and Maritime Services; The Hills Shire Council.

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:

6-14 Castle Street, Castle Hill (Castle Towers), Kentwell Avenue Road Reserve, Showground Road Reserve and Pennant Street Road Reserve (refer to Schedule 3A of VPA for details of the Land).

Showground Road Voluntary Planning Agreement(PDF, 4MB)

04/2018/VPA – Box Hill North Precinct

The Agreement secures the provision of all local infrastructure required to support urban development within the Box Hill North Precinct, including open space facilities, traffic and transport infrastructure and drainage/water management infrastructure. At the time of execution, the total value of Works to be completed and Land to be dedicated for public purposes under the VPA was approximately $316 million.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

12 March 2015

Planning Agreement parties:

EJ Cooper & Son Pty Ltd; The Hills Shire Council.

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:

Land within the Box Hill North Precinct (refer to Summary Sheet of VPA for details of the Land).

Voluntary Planning Agreement - Box Hill North Precinct(PDF, 45MB)


At its meeting on 13 August 2019, Council agreed to a request by the developer to vary the timing of delivery of Item TM10 within Schedule 3 of the Voluntary Planning Agreement. Pursuant to Clause 16 of the Agreement, such variations are able to be made provided that both parties agree to the variation in writing.

A link to the relevant Council Report and Resolution is provided below: 

Council Report and Resolution (13 August 2019)(PDF, 3MB)

Deed of Novation:

On 8 April 2020, a Deed of Novation was executed novating the rights and obligations of EJ Cooper & Son Pty Ltd under the VPA to Stockland Development Pty Ltd.

A link to the relevant Council Report and Resolution is provided below: 

Council Report and Resolution (24 March 2020)(PDF, 240KB)

Deed of Amendment:

On 6 November 2023, a Deed of Amendment was executed making minor adjustments to the distribution of the anticipated yield across sub-precincts A - I, to reallocate anticipated dwelling yield which will not be achieved in Precincts A and B (which are at or near completion) into Precincts D, F, G, H and I (which are not yet completed).

The amendments are primarily administrative in nature. They do not result in any change to the local infrastructure which the developer is required to deliver, nor do they permit any additional yield over and above what is already envisaged in the existing VPA, being 4,100 dwellings.

Rather, the amendments marginally adjust the break-down and distribution of this overall yield across the individual sub-precincts to more accurately reflect the roll-out of development that has occurred since rezoning of the Precinct since 2015.

A link to the Deed of Amendment is provided below:

Deed of Amendment to Box Hill North VPA (4/2018/VPA)(PDF, 1MB)

05/2018/VPA – Hills of Carmel Estate, Box Hill Precinct

The Agreement secures the provision of traffic infrastructure (primarily Mt Carmel Road) and drainage/water management works which are identified under Contributions Plan No. 15 – Box Hill Precinct by the Developer in association with residential development within the Box Hill Precinct.  It enables the Developer to partially offset the contributions payable under Section 7.11 of the Act, by the agreed value of works and land delivered under the VPA.

A Deed of Variation amended the VPA to extend its application to an additional 8.2 hectares of land on which the Developer intends to deliver approximately 160 new dwellings. The amendments would enable the Developer to rely on the VPA to offset the development contributions payable with respect to a greater extent of development (2,060 lots rather than 1,900 lots).

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

19 June 2018

Date Deed of Variation to Planning Agreement was entered into:

13 December 2018

Planning Agreement parties:

Jundu Pty Ltd as trustee for Hills of Carmel Estate Partnership; Mogul Stud Pty Ltd; The Hills Shire Council.

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:

Land within the Box Hill Precinct (refer to Schedule 1 Sheet 1 of the Deed of Variation to the VPA for details of the Land).

Download Box Hill ‘Hills of Carmel’ Voluntary Planning Agreement Below:

Executed Voluntary Planning Agreement Box Hill - Hills of Carmel(PDF, 21MB)

The current version of the VPA (as amended by the Deed of Variation) is provided as Annexure A to the Deed of Variation below:

Deed of Variation of Planning Agreement - Hills of Carmel(PDF, 31MB)


At its meeting on 12 February 2019, Council agreed to a request by the developer to vary the timing of delivery of delivery of Items 10, 29, 65, 81, 29L within Schedule 1 of the Voluntary Planning Agreement. Pursuant to Clause 7 of the Agreement, such variations may be made provided that both parties agree to the variation in writing.

A link to the relevant Council Report and Resolution is provided below: 

Council Report and Resolution (12 February 2019)(PDF, 3MB)

07/2018/VPA – 64 Mackillop Drive, Norwest

The Agreement relates to the completion of drainage works, dedication of associated land and payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer to contribute towards the future provision of public benefits, amenities and/or local infrastructure.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

13 August 2013

Planning Agreement parties:

Trustees of the Sisters of Saint Joseph; The Hills Shire Council

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:

Proposed Lot 116, being Part Lot 2 DP 817696 (refer to Schedule 1 of VPA for details of the Land). Currently described as Lots 1001, 1002 and 1003 DP 1190982.

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 64 Mackillop Drive(PDF, 25MB)


The current version of the VPA (as amended by the Deed of Assignment and Variation) is provided as Annexure 1 to the Deed of Assignment and Variation below:

Deed of Variation and Assignment - Mackillop Drive, Norwest(PDF, 32MB)

Deed of Assignment

On 21 February 2022, a Deed of Assignment was executed assigning the rights and obligations of Aqualand Baulkham Hills Development Pty Ltd under the VPA to Sekisui House Services (NSW) Pty Limited.

A link to the relevant Council Report and Minute is provided below:

Council Report and Minute - 8 March 2022(PDF, 32MB)

08/2018/VPA – 11-13 Solent Circuit, Norwest

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer to contribute towards the future provision of open space, community facilities and traffic and transport infrastructure.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

11 August 2015

Planning Agreement parties:

Hills Christian Life Centre Limited; Capital Corporation (Waterside) Pty Ltd; The Hills Shire Council.

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:

11-13 Solent Circuit, Norwest (Lot 5074 DP 1003042).

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 11-13 Solent Circuit Baulkham Hills(PDF, 16MB)

09/2018/VPA – 7 Maitland Place, Norwest

The Agreement relates to the construction and dedication of a new local road through the site and payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer to contribute towards the future provision of public benefits, amenities and/or local infrastructure.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

28 February 2017

Planning Agreement parties:

Maitland Square Holding; The Hills Shire Council

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies

8 Maitland Place, Norwest (Lot 1 DP 866565) (formerly 7 Maitland Place, Norwest)

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 7 Maitland Place(PDF, 8MB)

Deed of Amendment and Assignment

On 20 June 2024, a Deed of Amendment and Assignment was executed. This assigned the rights and obligations under the VPA to Haitchin Residential Pty Ltd and Haitchin Maitland Pty Ltd.

The amendments vary the timing of dedicated land under Schedule 1 of the VPA from before the issue of a strata subdivision certificate to:

  • Before the issue of the first residential strata subdivision certificate; or
  • by 30 June 2025, whichever is the earliest.

Other minor amendments relating to future variations to the Works and registration of the Agreement were also made.

A link to the Deed of Amendment and Assignment is provided below:

Executed Deed of Amendment and Assignment - 8 Maitland Place Norwest (9/2018/VPA)(PDF, 2MB)

10/2018/VPA – 98-102 Fairway Drive, Norwest

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer to contribute towards the future provision of public benefits, amenities and/or local infrastructure.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

28 March 2017

Planning Agreement parties:

Arden CH (NSW) Pty Ltd; The Hills Shire Council

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:

98-102 Fairway Drive, Norwest (Lots 2 and 3 DP 1210647)

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 98-102 Fairway Drive Norwest(PDF, 6MB)

11/2018/VPA – Lot 5 Commercial Road, Rouse Hill

The Agreement relates to the construction and dedication of a new road through the site (extension of Green Hills Drive), turfing and dedication of land for a new pocket park (passive open space) and payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer to contribute towards the future provision of active open space.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

25 July 2017

Planning Agreement parties:

Norlex Holdings Pty Ltd; The Hills Shire Council.

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies

Lot 5 Commercial Road, Rouse Hill (Lot 5 DP 30916)

Voluntary Planning Agreement - Lot 5 Commercial Road Rouse Hill(PDF, 25MB)

12/2018/VPA – 582 & 582A Old Northern Road, Dural

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer to contribute towards the future provision of parks, sporting fields, community facilities and pedestrian access improvements in the vicinity of the Land.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

11 September 2018

Planning Agreement parties:

Centaran Holdings Pty Ltd; The Hills Shire Council

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies

582-582A Old Northern Road, Dural (Lot 2 DP 565718 and Lot 1 DP 656034)

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 582 and 582A Old Northern Road Dural(PDF, 10MB)

13/2018/VPA – 8 Solent Circuit, Norwest

The amendment of The Hills Local Environmental Plan 2012, as it relates to the Land, to increase the maximum floor space ratio from 1:1 to 2:2:1 and increase the permissible maximum building height from RL116 metres (approximately 8 storeys) to RL126 metres (up to 10 storeys).

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

May 2019

Planning Agreement parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Eden Brae Homes Investments Pty Ltd.

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies

Lot 4026 DP 873565

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 8 Solent Circuit - Norwest(PDF, 11MB)

14/2018/VPA - 93-107 Cecil Avenue and 9-10 Roger Avenue, Castle Hill

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer for the construction of future improvements to the public domain, roads and traffic management works in the vicinity of the land. The Agreement also provides for the provision of a public access easement over the land connecting Roger Avenue to Cecil Avenue and embellishment works within the easement.

Date Planning Agreement was Entered Into:

21 August 2019

Planning Agreement Parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Merck Property Pty Ltd

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:

Nos 93-107 Cecil Avenue and Nos 9-10 Roger Avenue, Castle Hill, being the land legally known as:

1.   Lot 6 DP 705913;

2.   Lot 27 DP 15399;

3.   Lot 1 DP 531559;

4.   Lot 4 DP 531559;

5.   Lot 5 DP 705913;

6.   Lot 1 DP 581293;

7.   Lot 3 DP 581293;

8.   Lot 2 DP 581293;

9.   Lot 4 DP 581293;

10. Lot 1 DP 547897;

11. Lot 2 DP 547897;

12. Lot 1 DP 591676;

13. Lot 2 DP 591676;

14. Lot 20 DP 15399;

15. Lot 6 DP 29141;

16. Lot 5 DP 29141;

17. Lot 21 DP 778595; and

18. Lot 22 DP 778595.

Voluntary Planning Agreement - Roger & Cecil Ave, Castle Hill(PDF, 15MB)

15/2018/VPA - 6-12 & 16-20 Garthowen Crescent, Castle Hill

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer to be allocated toward improvements to traffic and open space infrastructure within the vicinity of the land.

Date Planning Agreement was Entered Into:

19 December 2019

Planning Agreement Parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Garth Diamond Pty Ltd; and Old Diamond Pty Ltd

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:

Nos 6-12 & 16-20 Garthowen Crescent, Castle Hill, being the land legally known as:

  • Lot 23 DP 222257
  • Lot 24 DP 222257
  • Lot 25 DP 222257
  • Lot 2 SP 40627
  • Lot 1 SP 40627
  • Lot 28 DP 222257
  • Lot 29 DP 222257
  • Lot 30 DP 222257


Voluntary Planning Agreement - 6-12 & 16-20 Garthowen Crescent Castle Hill(PDF, 5MB)

16/2018/VPA - 40 Solent Crescent, Norwest

The Agreement relates to the completion of works and payment of monetary contributions towards traffic, open space, community facilities and public domain improvements to service growth within the Norwest Precinct. At the time of execution, the total value of works was valued at $2.5 million and the monetary contribution at $16.14 million.

Date Planning Agreement was Entered Into:

18 March 2020

Planning Agreement Parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Mulpha Norwest Pty Ltd

Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:

Lot 2107 DP 1216268

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 40 Solent Circuit Norwest(PDF, 15MB)


At its meeting on 8 March 2022, Council agreed to a request by the developer to vary the timing of delivery of the Norwest Lake Lighting & Security item within Schedule 1 of the Voluntary Planning Agreement. Pursuant to Clause 13.1 and 13.2 of the Agreement, such variations may be made provided that both parties agree to the variation in writing.

A link to the relevant Council Report and Resolution is provided below: 

Council Report and Resolution (8 March 2022)(PDF, 6MB)

1/2022/VPA - Circa Precinct, Bella Vista

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions and land to Council by the Developer, to be allocated toward improvements to open space infrastructure and any other within the vicinity of the land.


Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

7 September 2021

Planning Agreement parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Mulpha Norwest Pty Ltd

Land to which the Agreement applies:

The VPA applies to selected properties located within the Circa Precinct, being the land legally known as:

  • Lot 700 DP 1198639
  • Lot 6017 DP 1107886
  • Lot 6055 DP 1140054
  • Lot 6053 DP 1140054
  • Lot 6052 DP 1140054
  • Lot 6 DP 270592
  • Lot 4 DP 27059

Voluntary Planning Agreement Circa Commercial Precinct Bella Vista(PDF, 18MB)

2/2022/VPA – 2-4 Burbank Place, Norwest

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer, to be allocated toward improvements infrastructure within the vicinity of the land. 

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

8 September 2021 

Planning Agreement parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Capital Corporation Pty Ltd

Land to which the Agreement applies:

The VPA applies to 2-4 Burbank Place, Norwest, being the land legally known as Lot 4054 in DP1070487 

Voluntary Planning Agreement 2-4 Burbank Place Norwest(PDF, 9MB)

3/2022/VPA - 25-31 Brookhollow Avenue, Norwest

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions valued at 2.5% of the cost of development and completion of selected local traffic works to Brookhollow Avenue. Monetary contributions are to be allocated toward improvements to local infrastructure and the public domain in the vicinity of the Land.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

4 November 2021

Planning Agreement Parties:

The Hills Shire Council and Sydney Metro

Land to which the Agreement applies:

Lot 71 in Deposited Plan 1252765, 25-31 Brookhollow Avenue, Norwest

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 23-31 Brookhollow Avenue, Norwest(PDF, 15MB)

4/2022/VPA - Mackillop Drive, Norwest

The Agreement relates to the completion of works and land dedication for the purpose of a public park and payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer, to be allocated toward public domain, traffic and open space improvements.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

21 February 2022

Planning Agreement Parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Aqualand Baulkham Hills Development Pty Ltd.

Land to which the Agreement applies:

The VPA applies Lots 215, 216, 217 and 218 in DP 1239622 and Lot 574 in DP 713531 and any future lots resulting from subdivision of this land.

Voluntary Planning Agreement - Mackillop Drive, Norwest(PDF, 24MB)

Deed of Assignment

On 21 February 2022, a Deed of Assignment was executed assigning the rights and obligations of Aqualand Baulkham Hills Development Pty Ltd under the VPA to Sekisui House Services (NSW) Pty Limited.

A link to the relevant Council Report and Minute is provided below:

Council Report and Minute - 8 March 2022(PDF, 32MB)

1/2023/VPA - 21-23 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer, to be allocated toward improvements infrastructure within the vicinity of the land.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

22 August 2022

Planning Agreement Parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Capital Projects Corporation Pty Ltd

Land to which the Agreement applies:

The VPA applies to 21-23 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista, being the land legally known as Lot 7081 in DP1037626.

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 21-23 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista(PDF, 30MB)

2/2023/VPA - 14-16 Brookhollow Avenue, Norwest

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer, to be allocated toward infrastructure improvements within the vicinity of the land and the broader Norwest Strategic Centre. 

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

31 October 2022

Planning Agreement Parties:

The Hills Shire Council; BHA Corporation Pty Ltd

Land to which the Agreement applies:

The VPA applies to 14-16 Brookhollow Avenue, Norwest being the land legally known as Lot 3 in DP 1010849.

Executed Voluntary Planning Agreement - 14-16 Brookhollow Avenue, Norwest(PDF, 28MB)

3/2023/VPA – 55 Coonara Avenue, West Pennant Hills

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Council by the Developer, to be allocated toward improvements infrastructure within the vicinity of the land.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

20 October 2022

Planning Agreement Parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Mirvac

Land to which the Agreement applies:

The VPA applies to 55 Coonara Avenue, West Pennant Hills, being the land legally known as Lot 61 in DP737386.

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 55 Coonara Avenue West Pennant Hills(PDF, 1009KB)

4/2023/VPA – 346-350 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Council and completion of local road and footpath works by the Developer. Monetary contributions are to be allocated towards embellishment of Palisander Place Reserve and improvements to infrastructure within the vicinity of the land.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

03 October 2023

Planning Agreement Parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Castleridge Retirement Village Pty Ltd

Land to which the Agreement applies:

The VPA applies to Lot 503 DP 1048808, 346-350 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 346-350 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill(PDF, 2MB)

1/2024/VPA - Central Playing Fields, Gables

The Agreement requires the developer (Stockland) to deliver a premier-level hockey facility at the ‘Central Playing Fields’ in Gables on behalf of Council.

Council will in turn reimburse Stockland up to a maximum value of $11.2 million, using the State VPA funding received by Council (subject of a separate Agreement between Council and State Government).

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

6 November 2023

Planning Agreement Parties:

The Hills Shire Council; Stockland Development Pty Ltd; AW Bidco 4 Pty Ltd

Land to which the Agreement applies:

The VPA applies to Lot 302 DP 1273518, Reserve 99 Fontana Drive, Gables known as the “Central Playing Fields”.

Voluntary Planning Agreement - Gables - Central Playing Fields Embellishment (1/2024/VPA)(PDF, 2MB)

2/2025/VPA – 7-15 Columbia Way, Norwest

The Agreement relates to the payment of monetary contributions to Council, the upgrade of Columbia Way and construction of a new local road (Columbia Court extension) by the Developer. Monetary contributions are to be allocated towards the construction or improvement of local infrastructure and the public domain in Norwest.

Date Planning Agreement was entered into:

03 September 2024

Planning Agreement Parties:

The Hills Shire Council; GTL Properties Pty Ltd

Land to which the Agreement applies:

The VPA applies to Lot 2015 DP 857690 and Lot 200 DP 877496, 7-15 Columbia Way, Norwest

Voluntary Planning Agreement - 7-15 Columbia Way, Norwest(PDF, 5MB)

Carlingford VPAs (formerly within The Hills Shire Council)

Download 8-10 Boundary Road, Carlingford Voluntary Planning Agreement

Download 1-7A Thallon Street, Carlingford Voluntary Planning Agreement

Download 2-14 Thallon Street & 7-13 Jenkins Road, Carlingford Voluntary Planning Agreement

Download 2-12 James Street, Carlingford Voluntary Planning Agreement

Download 1-7 Correy Place, 774-778 Pennant Hills Road and 13 Young Road, Carlingford Voluntary Planning Agreement

Download 14-30 Shirley Street, 2-10 Janell Crescent and 247-251, 255-261 and 277-281 Pennant Hills Road, Carlingford Voluntary Planning Agreement