The Agreement secures the provision of all local infrastructure required to support urban development within the Box Hill North Precinct, including open space facilities, traffic and transport infrastructure and drainage/water management infrastructure. At the time of execution, the total value of Works to be completed and Land to be dedicated for public purposes under the VPA was approximately $316 million.
Date Planning Agreement was entered into:
12 March 2015
Planning Agreement parties:
EJ Cooper & Son Pty Ltd; The Hills Shire Council.
Land to which the Planning Agreement applies:
Land within the Box Hill North Precinct (refer to Summary Sheet of VPA for details of the Land).
Voluntary Planning Agreement - Box Hill North Precinct(PDF, 45MB)
At its meeting on 13 August 2019, Council agreed to a request by the developer to vary the timing of delivery of Item TM10 within Schedule 3 of the Voluntary Planning Agreement. Pursuant to Clause 16 of the Agreement, such variations are able to be made provided that both parties agree to the variation in writing.
A link to the relevant Council Report and Resolution is provided below:
Council Report and Resolution (13 August 2019)(PDF, 3MB)
Deed of Novation:
On 8 April 2020, a Deed of Novation was executed novating the rights and obligations of EJ Cooper & Son Pty Ltd under the VPA to Stockland Development Pty Ltd.
A link to the relevant Council Report and Resolution is provided below:
Council Report and Resolution (24 March 2020)(PDF, 240KB)
Deed of Amendment:
On 6 November 2023, a Deed of Amendment was executed making minor adjustments to the distribution of the anticipated yield across sub-precincts A - I, to reallocate anticipated dwelling yield which will not be achieved in Precincts A and B (which are at or near completion) into Precincts D, F, G, H and I (which are not yet completed).
The amendments are primarily administrative in nature. They do not result in any change to the local infrastructure which the developer is required to deliver, nor do they permit any additional yield over and above what is already envisaged in the existing VPA, being 4,100 dwellings.
Rather, the amendments marginally adjust the break-down and distribution of this overall yield across the individual sub-precincts to more accurately reflect the roll-out of development that has occurred since rezoning of the Precinct since 2015.
A link to the Deed of Amendment is provided below:
Deed of Amendment to Box Hill North VPA (4/2018/VPA)(PDF, 1MB)