Digital Conversion Pedestrian Bridge Advertising Signs - Kellyville
Submissions Close 09 October 2018
Digital Conversion of Existing Pedestrian Bridge Advertising Signs - Kellyville (DA 9592)
Location: Future pedestrian bridge over Old Windsor Road, Kellyville (south of Samantha Riley Drive)
Applicant: Roads & Maritime Services
Council Areas: Hills Shire/Blacktown
Description: Construction of two new static advertising signs on the north and south sides of a future pedestrian bridge over Old Windsor Road, south of Samantha Riley Drive, Kellyville.
The application will be considered under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979. The Minister for Planning is the consent authority. The application is not integrated development or designated development.
Exhibition Details: The development application (DA), Statement Environmental Effect (SEE) and accompanying documents may be inspected at the following locations until Tuesday 9 October 2018 during the ordinary office or opening hours of the agency concerned:
- an electronic copy may be viewed free of charge at Department of Planning and Environment at 320 Pitt Street, Sydney;
- an electronic copy may be viewed free of charge at a Service NSW Centre located near you (see for locations);
- a hard copy may be inspected at the location listed below:
Blacktown City Council: 62 Flushcombe Road, Blacktown
The Hills Shire Council: 3 Columbia Court, Norwest
You may also view the application, EIS and accompanying documents electronically on the Department’s website (
Have your say
Anyone can make a written submission about the Development Application during the exhibition period from Wednesday 12 September 2018 until Tuesday 9 October 2018. If a submission is made by way of objection, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.
Your submission must reach the Department by Tuesday 9 October 2018. Before making your submission, please read our Privacy Statement at or telephone 1300 305 695 for a copy. The Department will publish your submission on its website in accordance with our Privacy Statement.
To make a submission, use the online form if possible. This is available at
If you cannot lodge online, you can write to this address:
Planning Services, Department of Planning and Environment, GPO Box 39 SYDNEY NSW 2001 (Your submission should be marked, Attention: Acting Director – Key Sites Assessments) If you want the Department to delete your personal information before publication, please make this clear at the top of your letter.
You need to include:
- Your name and address, at the top of the letter only;
- The name of the application and the application number;
- A statement on whether you support or object to the proposal;
- The reasons why you support or object to the proposal; and
- A declaration of any reportable political donations made in the previous two years.
To find out what is reportable, and for a disclosure form, go to or telephone 1300 305 695 for a copy. Note the disclosure requirements apply however a submission is made.