Planning Proposal, Rouse Hill Regional Centre Commercial Precincts

Submissions Close 29 November 2013

The Planning Proposal, Rouse Hill Regional Centre Commercial Precincts & Amendment of Clause 4.1A of The Hills LEP 2012 (3/2013/PLP) seeks to remove the maximum building height applying to the commercial precincts of Rouse Hill Regional Centre under The Hills Local Environmental Plan 2012.

In addition the planning proposal seeks to amend Clause 4.1A of The Hills Local Environmental Plan 2012 to introduce criteria to assess variations to minimum lot sizes for residential flat building and medium density development across The Hills Shire. 

Please note Council is currently exhibiting further planning changes to some residential precincts within Rouse Hill Regional Centre (Planning Proposal 6/2013/PLP) and draft Development Control Plan Amendments (FP28). Material for these exhibitions is available separately on this webpage.

Enquiries:  Alicia Jenkins, Town Planner on 9843 0555.