Renovators - Plan Your Waste
The building and construction industry is a major contributor of waste, much of which is still distributed to landfill. The implementation of effective waste minimization strategies has the potential to significantly reduce the volume of waste from these industries.
All application for development, including demolition, construction and the ongoing use of a site/premise, must be accompanied by a Waste Management Plan (WMP).
Useful tools to help you complete your WMP
Fact Sheet - Waste Planning & Management(PDF, 1MB)
The Hills Shire Council Local Approvals Policy(PDF, 855KB)
Waste Management Plan Template(PDF, 446KB)
Western Sydney Recycling Directory - Construction and Demolition Waste(PDF, 4MB)
Western Sydney C&D Facility Map(PDF, 4MB)
For technical information relating to waste storage design specifications and waste generation rates see the following fact sheet for commercial developments:
Waste Management Information & Bin Storage Facility Design Specifications for Commercial Developments(PDF, 135KB)